Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Your turn - Question of the Week
Have you been thinking about how to improve upon your experience from this year? If not, why don't you think about it right now... and give a quick answer to my interactive question!
Question of the day:
I'm not asking for a New Year's resolution.
I don't want you to ramble on about a huge goal that you may not even be committed to.
I want you to think about YOU and what you have to offer.
Get real and decide what you could improve about you.
Because we can always upgrade.
Like a fine wine, quality people always get better with age.
What will this year bring for your ongoing development into fabulosity?
Happy, Happy New Year!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Video Series - 7th installment
How can you have a healthy, balanced, properly-functioning structure if you avoid working your legs in the gym (or out of the gym, for that matter?)
If you skip leg exercises altogether, you need to watch this video.
If you think your legs are too strong already, you need to watch this video.
If you run or do "cardio" in lieu of leg-strengthening exercises, you need to watch this video.
If, like me, you are bothered by the gym-goers that give millions of excuses as to why they don't include leg movements in their workouts... you should watch this video, too!
Don't avoid leg exercises, people!!
Check out the video to see why...
Monday, December 29, 2008
Difficult to motivate
One of the hardest things to motivate for is... the initial push. The beginning. The start.
It's always so difficult to start something! It is so much easier to just remain comfortable. Starting something new requires effort. It involves using extra energy. It might be uncomfortable or even painful.
With exercise... if you take a big chunk of time off from all activity, it is NOT FUN to get started again. If you've never participated in a fitness program before, it is NOT FUN to begin. The exercises are painful, the effort required is torturous, and the soreness afterwards is wretched.
But that goes away.
I promise!
I wouldn't like to exercise as much as I do if it didn't become fun. My body is used to the feeling of a difficult workout. I can push it much, much harder before the nausea sets in. :) I look forward to the challenge of a new routine. I don't get sore too often, and I recover quickly from that heart-racing, muscle-burning feeling. It's a great spot to get to!
Now, if you feel like you're light years away from that feeling, just remember...
You'll get there sooner than you think - IF, and only if, you consistently exercise.
It's hard to get started... I feel your pain. I do.
So, just do it! Get it over with. Go through a week or two of absolute hell.
Then, reap the benefits and the enjoyment of being more fit.
Stick with it so that you don't have to start over again.
Have you started yet??
Friday, December 26, 2008
Quotation of the Week
I hope you are having a Happy Holidays, friends.
I truly believe that life should be lively. That your body should be a vessel for your livelihood. That you should seek out mental and physical activities for pure enjoyment. That you should enjoy every moment possible in this fleeting life. And that days like these - when you get to breathe, relax, and take notice of all that you have - should be savored.
We all have goals that we want to reach. None of us are satisfied with our position in life just yet. We are always looking to improve and reach a higher level, right?
But, today, remind yourself...
Life is about the incredible journey - not the destination. LIVE your life. And celebrate it during this last week of 2008.
Not every second has to be spent making progress toward something. It's okay to just be. As long as you're doing what you wanna do... go for it.
My husband, JD, and I are out enjoying the California wilderness. We're escaping the everyday grind and doing what we enjoy most... spending time with each other, exploring the great outdoors, being as low maintenance as possible, recharging the batteries, and taking advantage of our fitness to reach destinations that few get to see.
I can't wait to get back and tell you all about it :)
Until then, why don't YOU go out and accrue some life in your years! Or at least, for now, aim to insert a bunch of life in these last few days before 2009...
Thursday, December 25, 2008
A Christmas Epiphany
But, among the holiday cheer and festive gift-giving, there's always a frustrating point to these family days. And that's hearing the stories about everyone's health problems, ineffective doctors visits, and worthless health/fitness advice. I always feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall when I speak to any family member about health, fitness, or nutrition.
I've come to realize that our parents' generation - the baby boomers - go to the doctor for everything. So, they never "get better" because the majority of doctors are here to help us with disease, trauma, and emergency situations - NOT GENERAL HEALTH AND WELLNESS!
Since these baby boomers always go to the doctor for anything ailing them... never to a fitness professional, a chiropractor, an acupuncturist, a nutritionist, or a physical therapist... they get pills, referrals to overworked health professionals, and crappy, generic advice on exercise/nutrition.
I'm tired of it!
I'm tired of the way the "system" works.
I'm tired of the way our older generations have come to completely trust the medical system as a cure-all for everything having to do with the human body.
I'm tired of saying over and over and over again to every unhealthy family member that- proper nutrition and regular exercise will help with almost every health problem imaginable. AND... that it takes a village to stay healthy (meaning, we often need help from many health/fitness professionals to remain balanced).
But I'm not too tired to stop trying.
No, sir.
This just motivates me even more to find ways to help as many souls out there as possible. Because people need help! They're suffering, and they're looking for answers, and they're running into brick walls repeatedly!
So, here's my challenge to you, my friends...
In 2009, I'm looking to find new ways to really spread my knowledge with as many people as I possibly can. Especially people who WANT help in the areas of exercise and nutrition. And since you're visiting my site - and you're obviously somewhat interested in fitness and healthy eating - I want YOU to spread the word about health too. I want YOU to be a messenger.
Because once you begin living a healthy lifestyle, through the guidelines of knowledgeable fitness professionals like myself; you can be a role model for others. Remember that. YOU can make a huge difference in others' lives.
So, let's all work to educate the baby boomers (and everybody else!) toward a greater understanding of what "healthy" truly means. It's not doctors and pills and the bare minimum of healthy choices. It's an all-encompassing overhaul of habits to make life more worthwhile.
Okay... we've got a big job ahead of us...
Good luck!
Oh - and Merry Christmas!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Little Hitler
I've gotten used to this hostility. I've gotten used to the name-calling, the not-so-friendly hand gestures, the evil looks, and the "I hate you" comments. I've recently been called "Little Hitler", to be honest!
Yep, I'm the bad guy. I'm the one that no one likes.
Then why... why does everyone keep coming back???
How can a client look me dead in the eyes, say "I absolutely despise you" with sincere animosity, leave the gym in a huff... then come back the very next day, hand me a check, and prepare to get beat down again...?
Because exercise works! Especially the workouts I piece together. Like I've said before... it's all about intensity. The harder you work, the more results you get. The harder you work, the more your body has to adapt and grow stronger and more fit.
AND - the harder you work, the more you get used to working hard. The more you can push yourself closer to your limits.
Oh, and there's the fact that difficult exercise makes you look better, feel better, perform better. It gives you self-confidence and a sense of empowerment. It fills you with excess energy. It makes you take pride in your body and your abilities. And it can be stimulating and fun, even when it's super difficult...
Believe me - I really hate my instructors as well! When I participate in Crossfit or kickboxing, I have uttered many of the phrases my clients say to me. It's a love-hate relationship. But you keep going back because you can't quite possibly challenge yourself as well as someone else can. You sure can try - and you definitely should try - but an outside source can always get more out of you.
So, if you're feeling stuck... why not try something new and different? Either a challenging class... or a more intense exercise program... or a new activity... or a super fun workout with moi (mua ha ha!)...
See? I guess I like being the evil, sadistic one. Something I never knew about myself until I became a trainer. :)
But not only do I enjoy the torturous aspect of the workouts... I mostly enjoy the way they transform people. I want each and every one of you to experience the after effects of a REAL workout. And I'll keep the title of "horrible, mean trainer" if I get to keep bestowing those effects on people I get to work with. I'll deal with the negative to get you to the positive.
Monday, December 22, 2008
I'm so proud!
While training one client, I was surrounded by two other clients of mine who just so happened to be in the gym to complete their customized workouts for the day. And while I stood among my "people", the distinct feeling of animosity and resentment was permeating the air. Dirty looks were being thrown my way, and all three of them were seemingly bonding together in a "why the heck are we punishing ourselves?" sorta way...
And this happened again an hour later!
The peculiar part is not that I was surrounded by hatred and hostility (that happens on a daily basis!)... the unusual thing is that there has been so much consistency among my clients during a commonly inconsistent time of year. PLUS - not only have they been consistent at showing up for their appointments with me... but they've been absolutely fantastic at getting their butts into the gym on their own!
That was the great thing about being surrounded the other day. Most of the exercisers were in the gym to work out without me. They had shown up for some solo sweat time. Rock on!
I've been so proud of my clients this month. With the slow economy AND the busy, stressful holiday season both acting as possible obstacles to a fitness program, I've heard minimal excuses this year. I've seen people walking the talk. And I've observed everyone choosing to make their health and fitness a priority. Ahhh, how refreshing.
Friends -
It's so important to realize that NOTHING can stop us from being healthy and fit.
Not the economy.
Not the busy holiday season.
Not the hellish, everyday schedules we insist on keeping.
Not our families.
Not our friends.
Not even our own excuses.
So, have you been focused on maintaining your health and fitness this December? Do you deserve a pat on the back like my dedicated clients do?
If not... it's not too late to start. The holidays are not over yet.... you can still redeem yourself! (or at least fit in some stress relief!)
Friday, December 19, 2008
Quotation of the Week
Today's quote goes along with the "fight" theme from this week.
Sure, we often experience defeat when faced with a battle. Three of my fighter friends last weekend were not necessarily successful in their kickboxing fights. By judges' decision, they "lost". They were defeated by their opponent that day. However... just because one fight is a disappointment, or just because a couple judges decide that you were not the top competitor... that doesn't mean all is lost.
Those fellas will come back and train harder. They'll get better - but, honestly, they'll still lose sometimes. It's inevitable.
Same with anyone who doesn't literally "fight" in a ring as a hobby.
If you are battling something, anything - say you're fighting the fat loss battle, or you're fighting to graduate from school, or you're fighting for the job promotion, or... There WILL be disappointments. You won't always come out on top. You won't always win. You won't always be successful.
But you must keep trying. Because the failures are where you learn the most. They lead to the successes.
Whatever your battle in this upcoming new year, please don't give up.
No matter how often you feel defeated - the persistent person who keeps on coming back with another attack will eventually overcome that defeat.
So, next time you take a blow - dust off your pride, accept that defeat is acceptable and fleeting, then get up and try again!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Your turn - Question of the Week
If we really want something substantial to happen, we have to struggle a bit to make it so. Those who reach for what they want are are constantly struggling through challenges and obstacles.
But so is the essence of life!
If you want it... you gotta go and get it!
Today's question:
I'm really looking forward to hearing your answers :)
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Video Series - 6th installment
Sounds like "everybody poops", doesn't it? :)
It really is true that every single person out there who can sit down, stand up, and walk around - can squat. In fact, they do so every single day.
If you're confused, really - what do you think you're doing when you sit down in a chair, then stand back up? You're performing a modified squat!
So, YES, everyone SHOULD be using squats in an exercise program. I don't care how old you are, what your gender is, or whether you have a bad back or creaky knees. A squat is a natural movement - and natural, functional, everyday, compound movements should be used to safely build functional strength and joint stability.
Of course... if you do have injuries, the squatting movement can be modified. But it isn't often that the squat should be eliminated altogether. Bad backs and knees can many times be improved through corrective exercises like squats.
And that brings me to today's pet peeve video.
Although squats are essential to a balanced exercise program, too many exercisers don't do them correctly. And incorrect technique will lead to imbalances, pain, and injury.
If you want to find out what mistakes to avoid... AND if you want to discover my specific tips for a more effective squat... take a look.
Also, if you make any of the mistakes in the video and you don't know how to fix them, look for my upcoming article "How to Fix Your Squat" in this month's issue of the newsletter.
(sign up for the FREE newsletter, DM Monthly, in the upper right hand corner of this page!)
Monday, December 15, 2008
A Vegas weekend to remember...
But even with time zooming by, I had the opportunity to experience two incredible events...
1) The reason I was in Las Vegas was to support 4 muay thai kickboxing fighters from the school in which I train, 360 Combat Club. I have to give these four guys so much credit... those fights are brutal!
Honestly, it takes so much internal drive to be able to put yourself out there in such a risky, volatile situation such as a fight. Of course, our fight school instructor, Alan, gets these guys in such great shape, conditioning-wise. No one had any problems keeping up with the physical intensity of the fights. Like Jenn, the co-owner of 360 was mentioning... conditioning is the only thing you can control in these situations. And our fighters did everything possible to condition themselves for success. It was evident.
But I can imagine that one's confidence can take a beating as a live fight unfolds. There's so much left to chance. There's so much strategy that develops only after the fight begins. There are so many uncontrolled factors that can crop up throughout three 2-minute rounds. Anyone who participates in this type of physical challenge has built up a healthy dose of courage and self-confidence.
I was so impressed by our fighters' effort. It was an inspiring experience, for sure. It really made me appreciate, yet again, all that the human body is capable of. And, it also made me appreciate how a focus on fitness can give you the tools to be able to tackle aggressive challenges like these.
Congrats to Steve, Mike, Brandon, and Greg. Here's to a great showing!!
John & Alan w/ the new 360 ride!
2) In between arriving and watching fights, I visited Crossfit Las Vegas - the sister gym to my workout haven, Crossfit 360. A group of us from Crossfit 360 showed up to represent our stellar conditioning during one of their scheduled workouts.
And, boy, did they give us an amazingly challenging workout! All in all, I performed 70 "thrusters" (squat + shoulder press) and 70 "sumo deadlift high pulls" with the prescribed weight for the men. That's right! I said- the same weight as all the men were lifting. Took me a little bit longer - but I had a blast trying to keep up. Well, I had a blast talking about it afterwards... I was definitely struggling a bit during the intense exercises! Here's some photos...
Sweet Crossfit Art!
Communal sweat-fest in LV
10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (7 rounds)
I'm owning those Thrusters!
We're committed to fitness :)
It was great to meet more people with a passion for intense physical challenges. The LV Crossfitters were extremely motivating (and friendly)... makes me excited to meet more Crossfitters around the world!
All in all - a great trip to Vegas.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Quotation of the Week
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts" - Winston Churchill
I love this quote.
Really... life is an ongoing series of hits and misses. And it doesn't stop - no matter if you succeed, fail, or just sit there doing nothing.
Even when you have successfully reached a goal, you've gotta go on to the next challenge.
Even when you have made the biggest mistake of your life, there will still be more chances to redeem yourself.
As long as you continue tackling every challenge head on, you can walk around in your life with your head held high. You can be proud of your ability to keep putting one foot in front of the other. And you can be assured that you've taken advantage of every opportunity that has come your way.
Because you'll never experience total enjoyment and happiness without a little risk... You will never experience success without a ton of failure...
If you just give up, life will be bland, boring, stale, and safe. Nothing too bad will happen - but nothing tremendous will come your way either. A worthless life. Mmmm.
Have courage, my friends. Take a risk. Live a huge life and get huge rewards.
That's my plan, at least :)
Thursday, December 11, 2008
You can't compare yourself...
It must be obvious to you, from all I've posted on this good ole' blog, that I'm pretty darn fit. I enjoy intense physical challenges, and I spend a lot of time with people who enjoy them as well.
But, honestly, I haven't always been so motivated to be active to this extreme degree. I have let myself become lazy in the past... I've overindulged consistently enough to see my physique regress... I've been severely unmotivated and uninspired toward fitness...
I've been at different ends of the spectrum when it comes to satisfaction with personal health and fitness levels. I've needed to lose fat in order to get back to a content place AND I've been so fit that my metabolism speeds forward like a sports car on the Autobahn!
I know from my own personal experience that you need different strategies when you're in different phases of fitness. Which leads me to today's message...
When you are uber-fit and spending lotsa time being active, you have more leeway to "cheat" on your diet. You definitely need to keep up the healthy choices most of the time... but more "cheats" can be taken, and nothing will really change about your physique or performance. (of course, consistently bad nutritional choices WILL affect even the fittest of the fit!)
Anyway, to continue -
If you are trying to lose fat (which so many people are)... you NEED to realize that you have different goals than those "fit" persons do. Sorry to say it - but if you're in need of a body transformation, you cannot compare yourself to someone who's in great shape. That person can be less worried about nutritional perfection (I know, it's not fair...); and you MUST be more stringent with your eating choices if you really want to consistently lose fat and get to that high level of fitness.
There's no way around it.
In order to lose fat, you must be in some sort of caloric deficit.
You must have less errors in your diet... otherwise, you'll be in maintenance mode. And you won't change one bit.
So, if you were to ask me how I eat... I could definitely get you in better shape if you were to follow me around and mimic my nutritional rules. Because I do walk the talk with optimal nutrition.
But - compared to the way I've eaten in order to get to this point, I'm more lenient right now than you would need to be. Especially because it's very likely that I get WAY more exercise than you do. (And if I'm wrong about that... good for you!) But, that's okay for me right now. However, if I would want to take my fitness/physique to the next level, I would have to be super compliant with my ultimate nutritional habits. As would you!
Final thought:
If you're trying to change - find a person with a high level of fitness, and use them as a motivator, mentor, and goal. But if that person is not actively training for something and is simply maintaining... don't follow what they do.
Instead, find other people who are on the same pathway as you, and use each other as support to get to that goal. Do what it takes to get there... then you can sway a little bit when you arrive!
Good luck!
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
12 Days of Fitness starts TODAY!!
At long last... it's here!
Day one of this year's 12 Days Of Fitness gift-giving
bonanza has finally arrived and boy, are there some
great gifts lined up for you over the next 12 days!
Here's a taste of what's being given away today...
==> The Bodyweight Holiday Program
by Jonas Forberg
==> The Laptop Bag Workout
by Simon Dainton
==> How To Lose Belly Fat Without Crunches
by Tim Goodwin
==> Kettlebell Killer Abs Workout
by Charlotte Ord
==> The Ultimate Holiday Survival Kit
by B.J. Gaddour
==> The Real World Abs Report
by Troy Anderson
==> The Pregnant Mum's Essential Guide
by Nisha Obaidullah
==> The Elimination Diet 'Turbo' Edition
by Dax Moy
==> Carb Cycling Basics
by Isaac Wilkins
And ALL of this is FREE!
Myself and all other contributors have worked
really hard at putting this material together because
we genuinely want to make an impact on as many
people as we possibly can.
So, please take advantage of all the free stuff, if you
haven't already. There's lots more to come over the
next 11 days...
And please spread the word about the 12 Days of Fitness
to all your friends, family, and coworkers. Give the gift
of fitness this holiday season - without spending a dime!
Happy Holidays!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Video Series - 5th installment
And even though I understand that a neutral, elongated neck is a learned part of strength training, it still REALLY bugs me to see that head flopping around in the wrong position!
A beneficial weight training session involves proper form, a large amount of body awareness, and a head that's properly attached to the body... otherwise, injuries can occur, imbalances can develop, and progress can slow to a halt.
So, check out my next video discussing this particular pet peeve.
And make sure that YOU don't commit the crime of sporting a newborn baby's head during your exercise session :)
Friday, December 5, 2008
Quotation of the Week
Too many of you have great ideas... and great intentions.
But that's all they are. Ideas. Intentions. Not Results.
In the fitness world, you might say, "I was thinking about getting started on a better nutrition plan real soon". Or, "I'd like to start getting up early and going for a morning run". Or, "I've been planning for a while on going to get a massage in order to release the tension in my upper back..."
And, more often than not, the statement fizzles out with no action behind it.
Ideas and intentions without action are worthless.
Yes, it's good to dream and it's good to create targets for which you'd like to reach.
But how helpful is it if you never finish what you intend to accomplish?
And what if you never even start?!!
The things we want most in life take time and effort and consistent action. They are huge endeavors that require us to make changes in our behaviors. Like crossing a large body of water to get to your intended destination, it takes time and effort and consistent action to arrive. So, you can't just look at the water and continually wish you already arrived. Similarly, you can't just think about your goals/intentions/ideas and just hope for them to happen.
Don't be afraid, my friends.
Cross the sea! Get in and get wet! Take some frickin' action already!
Do something every day that will bring you closer to your destination...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
One week til '12 DAYS OF FITNESS'!
Your fitness missionary,
Kim Ball
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I'm laying it on the line...
But, even though I share little tidbits of myself with you... I feel like I haven't divulged my core beliefs about what it means to me to be a fitness professional. About what I truly believe concerning health, fitness, nutrition, and wellness. I want to be transparent and honest with all my readers. So, I've compiled a list of my basic beliefs. I want to share my opinions and I encourage your comments.
Okay... Enjoy!
- I believe that almost every common health problem can be linked back to insufficient activity and poor diet (I mean... joint pain, muscle pain, weight issues, metabolic disturbances, heart problems, digestive problems, sleep issues, skin problems, etc, etc.)
- I believe that the body was meant to move! It was meant to be challenged and pushed. And if we neglect to physically challenge our bodies, we will age more quickly, we will lose the ability to be physical, we will injure ourselves, we will become sick/diseased, and our bodies AND minds will break down.
- I believe that taking ibuprofen/advil/aspirin/alleve is NOT a beneficial form of treatment for physical pain. Medicine is simply like a band aid for pain. Soreness does not warrant pain killers. Pain from an injury or an imbalance should be dealt with by finding and treating the source of the pain - through corrective exercise, massage, soft tissue manipulation, chiropractic adjustments, ice/heat, etc. (Pain killers are necessary in certain situations - don't get me wrong - but people use them way too often to cover up the real issue at hand...)
- I believe that doctors are important - in instances of emergency and trauma and in the diagnosis/treatment of serious disease/illness. But they should NOT be an important source in general health education. They should not have much involvement in the promotion of fitness and proper nutrition. Doctors are good at what they do - but I believe that they do not have sufficient education in nutrition and exercise to give beneficial recommendations to the general public. The big problem is that they only give general, unhelpful health advice, yet push medications and drugs for every problem/issue imaginable. Instead - qualified, experienced, knowledgeable fitness professionals should have the sole responsibility for the re-education of the general public toward proper health practices.
- I believe that it's never too late to become fit. Age is only a factor that determines how quickly you can transform... but it is in no way a deterrent. Physical activity is something that all ages should be involved in!
- I believe that there is no limit to what you can accomplish, physically. People tend to put limits on themselves.
- I believe that too many women miss out on the power of being strong because they're afraid to get dirty and afraid to be uncomfortable. Or, they simply label themselves as "unable". I don't understand the act of prematurely labeling yourself before you even try... but I do understand fear of the unknown. And I am much more willing to respect a woman that will at least attempt to reach her potential or try something new in the physical world.
- I believe that there is no good excuse. Excuses hold you back from accomplishment. They are a way to justify and hide behind your fears. If you really want to accomplish something, no excuse will stand in your way of that pursuit.
- I believe that people don't realize how atrocious "normal" nutritious practices have become. When a way of eating becomes common, people don't question it as much or they justify that how they're eating is somehow okay (because everyone else does it).
- I believe that too many fitness professionals just regurgitate antiquated ideas. They don't question the common trainer "script" and they don't keep up with current research. Therefore, incorrect methods of training and nutrition are often perpetuated by an army of unqualified personal trainers - and the general public is left confused! BUT, I believe that a new breed of fitness professional is making a stand...
- I believe that the role of a fitness professional is one of the most important positions to be in. And one of the most rewarding.
- I believe that it is my responsibility to be the most qualified, most knowledgeable, most experienced, most enthusiastic fitness professional I can be... in order to be deserving of my title and my position as a top fitness pro, AND to be deserving of the trust of my clients and readers.
- I believe that, if you're gonna teach something, you need to have been successful in that something. Fitness professionals need to prove that they can follow a healthy lifestyle. They need to be fit and healthy! They need to walk the talk - be a walking billboard for their beliefs. Otherwise, how can you trust that they can get you results??
- I believe that true health is only possible through a synergistic combination of activity, physical stimulation, nourishment, hydration, rest, recovery, stress reduction, mental stimulation, and happiness/satisfaction.
- I believe that finding an activity you enjoy (and making time to enjoy that activity) feeds your soul. Give yourself the chance to be physical and you'll be much more satisfied with life.
- I believe that attitude is everything! You create your own experience in life. No, you don't have full control over what happens to you, externally. But ou have complete control over how you react/respond. Life can be hard - but with a "never give up" attitude and a will to always strive for satisfaction and excellence, life can be enjoyable, happy, fun, and worthwhile. :)
I could definitely go on. But that's a good start.
I'm passionate about my line of work. I hope you can see that.
I want to help as many people as I can. I hope you can see that, too.
And I'm prepared to lay it all on the line so that you can fully understand where I stand on all topics of health and fitness.
Like I said, I want to be transparent. So, there it is...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Video Series - 4th installment
Man, it certainly was beautiful! Perfect weather, and lots of boulders to climb :)
And while I was climbing around all day, I decided to shoot my next pet peeve video on location!
This next pet peeve deals with a commonly neglected type of exercise in many gym workouts. And since it bugs me when gym-goers consistently perform unbalanced workouts... I definitely had to point out this neglected movement.
Watch the short video below to find out what it is...
Friday, November 28, 2008
Quotation of the Week
Continuing along with this week's theme, what better way to finish up a Friday than to hear motivational words about conquering fear...
Because it's true! Your fear exists simply because you don't know what is going to happen.
You are afraid of sky diving because you don't know if you'll live through the free fall.
You are scared of failing at a challenging task because you don't know if you really can succeed.
You fear the change of a diet or exercise program because you don't know if you'll be able to handle the challenge. It may be too hard and uncomfortable.
Well, bad news...
That fear will never go away.
It's a natural reaction for most. Like closing your eyes when someone blows in your face!
What you have to do is... acknowledge the fear... then ignore it.
Do what you're afraid of anyway!
Because once you do what you're actually afraid of, what do you usually say afterward??
"That wasn't that bad..."
So, do what you fear...
It won't be that bad...
And to all my American readers, enjoy your holiday weekend!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Many THANKS :)
So... in the spirit of "giving thanks" on this traditional American holiday, I would like to take the opportunity to thank all of my readers for their loyalty and support.
Without you, I'd just be talking to myself!
Without you, my words would be useless and my message would be weak.
I appreciate you taking the time out of your busy lives to lend me a quick ear.
And I sincerely hope that the time you've spent listening and learning has been worthwhile for you.
and most importantly...
I want to send my personal thanks out into the universe for three very special people that have survived serious diseases this year. And one who is bravely battling on...
Our Chicago friend (and pseudo-brother!), Pat Riordan, just recently survived a struggle with Hodgkin's lymphoma. Congrats on the wonderful news, Pat!
My father-in-law, Ed Danhoff, made it through a bout of prostate cancer with flying colors this year. You are amazing and brave, Ed!
My eternally positive client, Sandra Spalter, kicked breast cancer to the curb. And she never looked back. You're an amazing inspiration, Sandra!
And our wonderful Whittier mom, Otila... already a breast cancer survivor... is currently battling an even more serious bout of cancer. We can only send her our positive thoughts for a swift recovery - even though she is forever in good spirits. What a fighter!! We are so very thankful to have her in our lives :)
I hope all of you have something to be thankful for... whether you participate in Thanksgiving or not. I tell ya what... let's all have a piece of pumpkin pie today to celebrate our gratitude!
Oh - a new issue of my newsletter, Deliberate Movement Monthly, just "dropped" today! If you have some extra time during your extended weekend, you may wanna check it out! And if you haven't signed up to receive it yet... simply fill your contact information into the box in the upper right-hand corner of this page!
Much thanks,
Kim Ball
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Your turn - Question of the Week
Everyone is afraid of something... even if you're scared to admit it.
So, let's face our fears! Let's get them all out on the table.
Today's question:
What specific fear lurks in the back of your mind?
It doesn't have to be fitness/health-related, and you can totally be anonymous when you comment. But I'd really like you to be aware of these fears - and to be okay with these fears. Because it's not "bad" to be fearful... it's only human to be scared of the unknown.
I just don't want any of you to let that fear paralyze you!
So, shout out your fear! Listen to others fears. Bond. Feel supported.
Then go out there and live a life that crashes through all those silly fears!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Video Series - 3rd installment
This week's installment talks about isolation exercises, and how they are a waste of time. Especially if you have little time to begin with - you want to get the most out of your workouts. This video will give you some good substitutions for the one-muscle-at-a-time movements.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Me? Scared? You betcha!
I will always try. I always take the risk.
I take pride in that. Fear will NOT win. And it will not hold me back.
How 'bout you?
Do you let fear hold you back?
Or do you dive into new situations and tackle new challenges when they arise?
Do you let fear stop you from reaching your fitness goals?
Or are you willing to ignore that fear and do whatever it takes to make those goals possible?
There are no excuses for succumbing to fear.
Take it from someone who is somewhat of a scaredy-cat! :)
You don't have to be fearless. And you don't have to be inherently courageous or heroic.
But you do have to be brave enough to try. At some point.
I don't care if it takes you twice as long to do something that you're afraid of...
As long as you eventually try!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Quotation of the Week
Each and every one of us has amazing potential to be fit, strong, and healthy. But sometimes we don't see it. We get stuck in our own heads and doubt what is possible. But with the support and acknowledgment of others - especially those who are living a life like you want to live... the possibility of you reaching that potential increases by leaps and bounds.
My support system keeps me going. They give me energy. They push me to reach for my ultimate potential. And I'm proud to help them inch ever closer to theirs. :)
Here are some photos from a group of us this past weekend at the Mud Run!
Pre-race... our three "teams" as one, big, happy group
Kim and her clients - Lesli and Josephine
"Team Kim" - John, Lizen, JD, and Kim!
Team captains - Kim, Steve, and Jason
Happy to be muddy!
JD is plunging in!
John and Liz, crawling out of the mud pit
Success! The group celebrates!
When are we gonna do it again??
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Your turn - Question of the Week
Your question:
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Video Series - next installment
To continue giving people advice on what mistakes to avoid via fun visual aides, I've happily posted the next installment of the series. Take a look at my pet peeves about common chest exercises...
Monday, November 17, 2008
Check out the 12 Days of Fitness!
Leading Fitness Experts Give The Gift Of Health To World With Biggest Ever Health and Fitness Giveaway This Festive Season
On Wednesday, December 10, Dax Moy and over 250 of the world's top fitness professionals will open the doors on the World’s largest ever health and fitness gift-giving, set to generate positive health for over 500,000 people this Christmas
The program, called ’12 days of fitness’ initially began when the UK's leading fitness professional, Dax Moy, wanted to express his gratitude to his clients and offered them a gift a day for 12 consecutive days as his twist of the 12 Days of Christmas.
Last year Moy shared this idea with fellow fitness professional Pat Rigsby and they expanded the 12 Days of Fitness to include not only their own clients but to the world at large and gave fitness gifts to over 200,000 people who signed up at the site at
This year, with the help of 250 of the world's top personal trainers, nutritionists, therapists and specialist fitness experts, the 12 days of fitness is set to become the biggest fitness gift giveaway in history with expected downloads of over 500,000 between the 10th and 22nd of December. "There’s never been another health event like this, where so many people stand to benefit from the expertise of true professionals for free” says Moy who has been working flat out to make this year’s 12 days a success.
“Fitness professionals from around the globe have contributed hundreds of e-books, reports, videos, meal plans and other free gifts in their hope of making 2009 the year that anyone, regardless or their location, financial situation or past failures, can finally reach their fitness goals and make those New Year's Resolutions a reality once and for all.”
Perhaps the best part of the 12 Days of Fitness giveaway is that regardless of a persons health or fitness goals, there are going to be gifts specifically designed to help them achieve success.
"We've received gifts designed for busy mom's, elite athletes, bodybuilders, back pain sufferers and pretty much anyone else you can imagine covering everything from fat loss to rehabilitation and everything in between.
There literally will be something for everyone this year and all of it free, making it, without a doubt, one of the most important gifts anyone will receive this year. After all, what’s more important than health?”
The 12 days of gift giving starts December 10th but those interested are urged to visit right away to sign up for their free gifts.
Once enrolled, participants will get a daily email telling them how to access each of the new gifts that are being added each day as well as a reminder on how to access previous gifts.
To guarantee a healthy start to 2009, simply visit today.
(I will be involved in the giveaway... so check it out!!)
I Love Mud :)
Think about it!
With whom do you surround yourself on a daily/weekly basis?
Are you surrounded by lazy, unhealthy people that always complain?
Do you hang out with persons who squash your dreams and keep you stuck in one place?
Do you spend time with people who are a bit excessive with the eating, drinking, and indulging?
Well, not to brag, but...
I spend my time with people who absolutely LOVE to be physical.
I surround myself with those who aren't afraid to spend their weekends trying new and challenging things.
They aren't Olympic athletes... they aren't obsessive about being overly healthy... they honestly love to rest as much as they love to be active...
And, most importantly, they are positive, like-minded people who enjoy hanging out with other positive, active, energetic persons. They love life!
And this past weekend, they joined me for a jaunt in the mud...
My stellar group of devoted individuals made the trek down to San Diego for a 5K race full of mud pits and steep hills. And, boy, was it messy! But what an absolute blast. I must say - it wouldn't have been nearly as much fun without such a large group of people. It was really exciting to see everyone pushing themselves, motivating each other, horsing around, and thoroughly enjoying themselves.
Here's a preview of the aftermath...
(more photos to come in a day or two...)
I have found an amazing group of people that I enjoy spending the majority of my time with.
Our adventures are not over... not in the least. And we didn't even have the entire group of people with us at the Mud Run! Yes, there are more!
Have you found a group of people to help motivate you??
Are YOU surrounding yourself with people that will help make you the best person you can possibly be?
Well, what are you waiting for?!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Quotation of the Week
We're only human, right?
I'm not gonna judge anyone for mistakes they've made and tasks they've put off until "later". It's a waste to dwell on things from the past.
But it's not too late to change something.
When today is over and you're dissatisfied with your appearance, your level of fitness, your quality of life, or any other possibility... you CAN take steps to change it tomorrow.
There are people all over the world doing just that. Preparing for tomorrow and CHANGING that with which they are no longer pleased. And most of them have just as many obstacles as you do. Plus - it's true - they do have the same amount of time in a day that you do. And if they can do it, why aren't you??
There are no good excuses for neglecting to start on a new pathway.
Time issues, laziness, etc. Not one good excuse. If you want something bad enough, you'll find the time to do what it takes.
Just some food for thought before your weekend. Enjoy!
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Your turn - Question of the Week
Your question...
And if you don't really know, just think about the exercises you enjoy doing, and determine what area of the body is consistent b/w those fav exercises.
Give me some good answers, folks!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
NEW Video Series!
I've decided to create a series of videos that outline the pet peeves I have about working out in a gym. Since I basically spend most of my time in gyms, I tend to see a lot of mistakes being made. And I want to stop those annoying mistakes before anyone else gets hurt!!
Here's the first installment...
My pet peeves about exercises on back machines.
Monday, November 10, 2008
When nobody's watching...
Do you work out as hard as you possibly can?
Do you put in that little extra effort when you think you can't do any more?
Do you perform your exercises the right way? With perfect form and perfect tempo? Or do you take the easy route and/or get sloppy?
When no one is around...
Do you choose nourishing foods?
Do you stop eating when you're full?
Do you resist temptation? Or do you say to yourself, "no one will know..."
Because the most important decisions in your life are the ones you make when nobody's watching.
No one has somebody monitoring them all the time. Most people do very well when they are under the watchful eye of another. That's why my services are so beneficial - I don't let you get away with anything! In your many moments alone, however, it is much harder to make the right decisions. But remember...
Your level of fitness, your health status, and your progress toward a goal - those markers don't lie. If you've been inconsistent with healthy eating... if you've neglected to do all your workouts... or if you just put in the bare minimum in all things affecting your health/fitness... there's no way to hide it! You won't make any progress.
And I can assure you... those who make progress are the ones who put forth the most effort when no one is looking!
As a young gymnast, my dad was adamant in teaching me to put forth my best effort every single time I trained. Even if I didn't feel like it, I should push myself to the limit. Even if I was sick or exhausted, I should give it my all on every repetition, every drill, every time. And even if no one was standing over me with arms folded, I should do every exercise to the best of my ability. No half-way performance. No giving up. No quitting.
Honestly I wasn't the most talented gymnast in my gym - not by a long shot. But, man, I was the hardest worker. And I made it as far as I did because of an iron-clad work ethic that stuck around - even when no one was watching.
And now that I'm older, I've realized that diet needs to follow suit.
Because - you only sabotage yourself if you sneak in that extra treat.
You're only obstructing your own progress if you deny the nutritional mistakes you're making.
So, don't say "I'm doing everything I can... why am I not getting results?"
Be real with yourself... find those nutritional areas where you're not doing your absolute best... and commit to changing them even when no one is around.
So, friends, let's heed the advice of super-dad, Clifford Ball :)
Don't base your decisions and your efforts on whether or not someone is there to see it.
Make the best decisions and give your best efforts even when nobody is watching!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Quotation of the Week
I may preach health and wellness, but I do not recommend obsession with health and wellness.
My message is this...
Make healthy choices consistently. Enjoy the capabilities you gain by being healthy. But take the time to enjoy your life by indulging in that which makes you happy. Be lazy sometimes. Eat pizza and cake sometimes. Just don't indulge consistently. Keep a balance in your life and you'll find happiness.
Have a great weekend :)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Your turn - Question of the Week
But back to business.
If you have dedicated your time to exercise for any period of time,
you know that there's a selection of challenging exercises that are
extremely effective... but they really suck.
Meaning: the exercises work really well - they make your muscles burn and shake - and even though you will include them in your workout because they are really great exercises, you don't enjoy doing them at all. That is, until you're finished :)
So, tell me friends...
**Leave me comments on these days... I'm keeping track...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy
And to celebrate the amazing Obama win, I've put together a treat for you...
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Why 'Deliberate Movement'?
Well, I strongly believe that a rich, colorful, passionate life - a life worth living - should be comprised of intentional actions.
We should live life with a direction in mind.
We should create movements that challenge us, in full consciousness of our ability to handle challenges.
We should take one step after another - creating motion and momentum toward an end result.
In every aspect of life...
In fitness, an exercise program should be purposeful and goal-oriented.
In nutrition, most food choices and behaviors should be intended toward nourishment and complete internal wellness.
In business, clear visions should lead to calculated actions and distinct missions.
And in matters like the presidential nomination, the votes we cast should arise from careful consideration. And I am 'deliberately moving' in the direction of hope and change.
Like some of my young friends have said on Facebook:
"Barack and Roll!!"
I'm amused by the cleverness :)
Now, go vote, friends!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Pessimism not allowed!
I'm nervous about tomorrow's election and it's results.
I'm nervous about the thousands of rats under my house (Seriously! There has got to be a rat rodeo going on under my little crappy house at night... I don't know when they decided to set up shop, but it's gotta stop!)
I'm nervous that I'm not gonna get all of my tasks completed this week.
It's just a collective nervousness...
But I'm not gonna be negative.
I feel like too many people take their uneasy, nervous, & frustrated feelings and automatically transfer those feelings into a negative outlook.
It's such a cop-out!
I mean, it's so easy to bundle all your frustrations together and pout about the fairness of it all.
It's much harder to take those feelings and find the bright side - the positive point of view.
But I would rather spend the extra energy trying to be positive.
I want to know... what's the point of being negative?
Really, where does that get you?
Besides leaving you feeling depressed, hopeless, and stuck in one thought pattern...
From a health and fitness perspective, negative notions are a cancer to your progress.
So, I challenge you to fight 'em.
Even if your chosen presidential candidate doesn't win this week.
Even if the rats keep waking you up every night. (argh!)
Even if your workouts are difficult this week and life is just punching you down and money is a bit tight...
Don't go to the dark side. Life is so much better if you focus on the good stuff and make the best out of all situations. Pessimism is not allowed here...
Okay, that's it for today.
Vote for Obama!!!!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Seems fitting, huh?
My wicked role as the evil, butt-kicking trainer has turned me into a devilish creature! But I don't know where the dominatrix part comes from??
Vampin' it up w/ my fake lashes :)
Note how both Boo and I have a tail
Awww, yeah! Now I've got my whip! (and we've got a pumpkin down!)
My devilish powers had some crazy effects on the camera. Spooky...
Have a great weekend, friends. Hope you get to enjoy Halloween, too.
Talk to you next week when the new format starts!!
("Interactive Wednesdays" and "Quotation Fridays"!)
Thursday, October 30, 2008
"American values, w/ a Deliberate Movement twist!"
... I'll bring in the phrase "land of opportunity".
America is viewed as a country of infinite changes, endless possibilities, and a place where anyone has a shot to become fortuitous.
Yet so many of us don't take advantage of this opportunity!
We mostly complain about who is to blame for our struggles -
We come up w/ endless reasons why taking advantage of an opportunity is impossible -
We convince ourselves and others that we have no opportunities (that life is SO hard) -
And we give so many excuses...
Which is why my friend and colleague, Jeremy Nelms, has come up with a program
called "No Excuses Fat Loss"
If you have every excuse in the book as to why you can't lose fat, Jeremy will obliterate those excuses as he himself attempts to lose fat in the worst scenario possible.
Go to his site to watch his progress over the next 60 days.
And, more importantly, go to his site to prove to yourself that opportunity lies everywhere!
Whether you live in the "land of opportunity" or not!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
But, unfortunately, in our selfish society -
Justice can easily be misconstrued as entitlement.
In fitness, people can feel entitled to the results that they were guaranteed...
People seriously have the balls to think these types of thoughts...
"It's only fair that I see incredible results after paying my trainer and showing up for all my workouts..."
"It's only fair that I enjoy the benefits of fat loss when I only change a few small things about my eating habits..."
"Since that fit guy can eat whatever he wants and stay in shape, it's only fair that I should be able to cheat whenever I want and still get fit"
(Okay, that one... well, that's not just entitlement. That's denial :) And a bit of envy, I'm sure.)
It really doesn't matter what's "fair" or "just" in health, nutrition, and fitness.
Your body doesn't play by those rules.
If you think you're entitled to progress - and you haven't done everything you possibly can to earn that progress - your body's not just gonna change because of what you think is fair.
It's only justifiable that you'll get your end result if you:
- do more than just show up to your workouts (work hard, people!!)
- play by the rules of nutrition all the time (not just when you feel like it)
- stop comparing yourself to others, and try to find what's best for you!
Just another gem of wisdom from Kim as she gets ready for election week!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
This is fun!
Let's delve into the word "unity"...
Unity is defined as "the condition of being joined together as one", "a harmonious mutual understanding", or "the common interests among members of a group".
Unity means being a part of something bigger than yourself.
But let's spin it in a different way.
For many people, unity means... believing what everyone else in a group says, without question - just because you're a part of that group.
For example:
If your family teaches you to believe that fruit juice and baked chips is an incredibly healthy snack, then you can join in on their united front and blindly believe it too.
If everyone you know gives you the advice that long, slow cardio is the ultimate tool for fat loss, then you can also harmoniously agree to abide by this idea without question.
If you're a citizen of the US of A, you can have unquestionable faith in the American government and you can choose to believe the media's take on "reality" - simply because everyone else around you thinks this way.
This, my friends, is the downside of unity.
Being united with others is an important, beneficial thing. It makes you feel like you belong and gives you something to stand for. Plus, the support of a unified group can be priceless.
But remember to think for yourself.
Don't believe everything that you hear - even from a united group.
Exercise your right to question a statement.
Don't just accept everything you're told.
Educate yourself and make the best choices possible.
Especially with fitness and nutrition...
You need to know that not everything you hear or believe is actually true.
If something challenges what you've been taught, don't just write it off as incorrect.
Learn, and be willing to try new things - especially when there's proof that something works!
So, the lesson today?
Value the united groups you have in your life.
But don't think that you need to be identical to those groups.
Question everything you can in life... think for yourself!
Oh, and don't be afraid to try the exercise and nutrition techniques I preach about... even if they're unfamiliar!
Monday, October 27, 2008
I've decided to touch upon some of the most familiar American values -
With a Deliberate Movement twist, of course!
So, today, let's start with "free will"...
In the most basic sense, free will is the ability to choose your own destiny.
It's the ability to choose how you think and how you act.
We're so lucky to live in a country that allows us the free will to do and say whatever the heck we want (within the limits of the law).
Let's place free will into the world of health and fitness.
We may have the pleasure of choosing to eat whatever we want and whatever tastes good, whenever we want it...
but we really can't exercise the free will to eat whatever we want AND also have the optimal body that we truly want.
It might seem unfair - but it's a fact!
We may have the right to succumb to our lazy side when we get home from work...
But we can NOT employ the free will to be constantly sedentary AND also exude a healthy, strong, functional body that we desire.
It just won't happen!
Giving in to every little thing you want, just because you have the free will to have it, will NOT lead you to the ultimate picture of health!
You can NOT have everything!
That's the catch 22 about this specific "American value".
You can't always take advantage of free will AND have all that your heart desires too.
So, choose...
Will you choose to practice some restraint and earn a fabulously fit figure?
Or will you take advantage of the free will to indulge endlessly as well as neglect to be active, and wind up with a drab, disgusting bod?
YOU have the free will to decide your own destiny...
Friday, October 24, 2008
More Crossfit lessons... girl power!
They have the ability to achieve unbelievable amounts of strength - and they can turn on the aggression when it's needed (or even when it's not, right?).
So, men are expected to excel in the fitness world... Men understand that, no matter how unfit they may be at the start of a new program, they have the potential to reach any fathomable goal.
I'm certain that women have the same potential to reach any goal.
Yes, they will always have a bit of a disadvantage against the fore-mentioned "testosterone factories" - but who cares?!!
Unfortunately, I'm sad to say, a large majority of women have many preconceived notions about what they're capable of.
Way too often, I hear:
"I can't do a real pushup"
"That's too difficult for me"
"I'll never be able to do that in a million years - it's impossible"
"I don't wanna be strong" (I absolutely hate that one!)
It's ridiculous. To hear so many females fail to believe in their amazing capabilities.
Well, I found another buddy who shares my belief in "girl power", if you will.
Jeannie, my Krav Maga instructor (israeli self defense), kicks major a**!
I am awe-struck by her ability to exude a power much bigger than herself in the world of self-defense. She strives to be powerful, strong, and intimidating - to anyone who might wanna invade her personal space.
Not only does she provide a fantastic example for the ultimate strong, confident female... not only does she beat up on every guy that enters her class... and not only does she give her female students the tools to be a menacing threat in an unwanted situation...
But she also supports ANY strong female in ANY arena.
We share that sentiment.
We both have a lot of respect for women that are not afraid to get dirty, to become strong, and to prove themselves in the world of fitness.
And judging from her nicely-pedicured toenails, I know Jeannie also believes that women can be both feminine/dainty AND animalistic at the same time (or just "strong" and "fit", if "animalistic" scares you). :)
Jeannie restores my faith in the female potential - as do many of the ladies that join me in the Crossfit workouts!
Now, to all my fellow ladies reading this blog... I challenge YOU to strive for your potential.
Stop denying that you can be strong and absolutely fierce!
Find something you can't do, and learn how to do it.
Impress yourself and others by accomplishing what most believe to be "impossible".
And leave me a quick comment about what you intend to strive for...
I mean it! Tell me about your Girl Power!! Or I'll sic Jeannie on you...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
More Crossfit lessons... just the bare minimum?
Most people do the bare minimum.
They lift a weight that feels 'heavy' and they do a bunch of reps until they get tired.
They might try to do some pushups or assisted pullups, but they never attempt to graduate to more difficult pushups and real pullups.
They want to lose weight - so they get on the treadmill and walk real slow for an hour.
Bare minimum.
Just showing up.
Believe me - what most people are doing might allow them to work up a sweat or "feel the burn" - but the lack of a challenge will lead to two things...
1) no real progress toward a goal
2) it get's boring!
Just showing up is not good enough, people!!
In the Crossfit 360 gym, we've got a role model that obliterates the bare minimum crap.
Jason, another one of my instructors, is insane. Insane!
Don't get me wrong, he's the sweetest guy ever - but we all believe that he's from another planet :) No one can even get close to what Jason accomplishes.
Why is he such a machine?
...The man will not accept "just the bare minimum." In his students or in himself.
In his role as an exerciser, he first thinks about what he could do comfortably, then he chooses a challenge way beyond that (and even though the decision seems foolish during the exercise... the accomplishment always far outweighs the discomfort). Now, that's walking the talk!
It's the same for when Jason is head honcho of a class. He urges us to choose a bit more weight, do a few more reps before stopping, complete pushups the "real" way, perform a tough skill with perfect form (even though that makes it harder), move a bit faster between exercises, and continue to improve from the last time.
It's never easy. And although he makes it look easy to us humans - you can see that he's pushing his limits. And by his example, the rest of us absolutely have to follow his lead.
And, no, pushing yourself is not enjoyable. It kinda hurts. But it's amazing to see how much you can accomplish - and how quickly you can progress - if you reach for more than the minimum.
As for me... I'm gonna keep striving to reach to the rafters where Jason is.
Why not? The only way to go is up!