Monday, December 29, 2008

Difficult to motivate

Part of my job is to be a motivator. I love to motivate. I love to be that voice of encouragement. But I've realized something about motivation.

One of the hardest things to motivate for is... the initial push. The beginning. The start.

It's always so difficult to start something! It is so much easier to just remain comfortable. Starting something new requires effort. It involves using extra energy. It might be uncomfortable or even painful.

With exercise... if you take a big chunk of time off from all activity, it is NOT FUN to get started again. If you've never participated in a fitness program before, it is NOT FUN to begin. The exercises are painful, the effort required is torturous, and the soreness afterwards is wretched.

But that goes away.

I promise!

I wouldn't like to exercise as much as I do if it didn't become fun. My body is used to the feeling of a difficult workout. I can push it much, much harder before the nausea sets in. :) I look forward to the challenge of a new routine. I don't get sore too often, and I recover quickly from that heart-racing, muscle-burning feeling. It's a great spot to get to!

Now, if you feel like you're light years away from that feeling, just remember...
You'll get there sooner than you think - IF, and only if, you consistently exercise.

It's hard to get started... I feel your pain. I do.
So, just do it! Get it over with. Go through a week or two of absolute hell.
Then, reap the benefits and the enjoyment of being more fit.
Stick with it so that you don't have to start over again.

Have you started yet??

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