Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Another powerful American value - in honor of the upcoming election - is "justice".

We can define justice as "fairness", "lawfulness", "judgement free from bias", or "unprejudiced decisions".

And that's what we're all about here in the U.S.

Fairness, equality, unbiased actions.
Human rights.

But, unfortunately, in our selfish society -
Justice can easily be misconstrued as entitlement.
In fitness, people can feel entitled to the results that they were guaranteed...
Even though they didn't do what was asked of them to get those results.

People seriously have the balls to think these types of thoughts...

"It's only fair that I see incredible results after paying my trainer and showing up for all my workouts..."

"It's only fair that I enjoy the benefits of fat loss when I only change a few small things about my eating habits..."

"Since that fit guy can eat whatever he wants and stay in shape, it's only fair that I should be able to cheat whenever I want and still get fit"
(Okay, that one... well, that's not just entitlement. That's denial :) And a bit of envy, I'm sure.)

It really doesn't matter what's "fair" or "just" in health, nutrition, and fitness.

Your body doesn't play by those rules.

If you think you're entitled to progress - and you haven't done everything you possibly can to earn that progress - your body's not just gonna change because of what you think is fair.

It's only justifiable that you'll get your end result if you:
- do more than just show up to your workouts (work hard, people!!)
- play by the rules of nutrition all the time (not just when you feel like it)
- stop comparing yourself to others, and try to find what's best for you!

Just another gem of wisdom from Kim as she gets ready for election week!

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