Monday, November 10, 2008

When nobody's watching...

When no one is looking...

Do you work out as hard as you possibly can?

Do you put in that little extra effort when you think you can't do any more?

Do you perform your exercises the right way? With perfect form and perfect tempo? Or do you take the easy route and/or get sloppy?

When no one is around...

Do you choose nourishing foods?

Do you stop eating when you're full?

Do you resist temptation? Or do you say to yourself, "no one will know..."

Because the most important decisions in your life are the ones you make when nobody's watching.

No one has somebody monitoring them all the time. Most people do very well when they are under the watchful eye of another. That's why my services are so beneficial - I don't let you get away with anything! In your many moments alone, however, it is much harder to make the right decisions. But remember...

Your level of fitness, your health status, and your progress toward a goal - those markers don't lie. If you've been inconsistent with healthy eating... if you've neglected to do all your workouts... or if you just put in the bare minimum in all things affecting your health/fitness... there's no way to hide it! You won't make any progress.

And I can assure you... those who make progress are the ones who put forth the most effort when no one is looking!

As a young gymnast, my dad was adamant in teaching me to put forth my best effort every single time I trained. Even if I didn't feel like it, I should push myself to the limit. Even if I was sick or exhausted, I should give it my all on every repetition, every drill, every time. And even if no one was standing over me with arms folded, I should do every exercise to the best of my ability. No half-way performance. No giving up. No quitting.

Honestly I wasn't the most talented gymnast in my gym - not by a long shot. But, man, I was the hardest worker. And I made it as far as I did because of an iron-clad work ethic that stuck around - even when no one was watching.

And now that I'm older, I've realized that diet needs to follow suit.
Because - you only sabotage yourself if you sneak in that extra treat.
You're only obstructing your own progress if you deny the nutritional mistakes you're making.
So, don't say "I'm doing everything I can... why am I not getting results?"
Be real with yourself... find those nutritional areas where you're not doing your absolute best... and commit to changing them even when no one is around.

So, friends, let's heed the advice of super-dad, Clifford Ball :)
Don't base your decisions and your efforts on whether or not someone is there to see it.
Make the best decisions and give your best efforts even when nobody is watching!!


Victoria said...

I'll be sure to think of this post while I'm at work : )

Kim Ball said...

Yeah, right, Victoria??
You've got some temptations to resist, girl!

Aaron Benes said...


Dead on the money. Great topic to talk about...the unspoken what do you do when no one else is looking.

I was once told that you can know a persons integrity not by what they say or do but by the zero balance on their bathroom scale.

Have a great day!

Unknown said...

When no one's around, it inspires me to think of where I was...and where I need to go. That's what I call healthy stress!