Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Video Series - 6th installment

Everybody squats.

Sounds like "everybody poops", doesn't it? :)

It really is true that every single person out there who can sit down, stand up, and walk around - can squat. In fact, they do so every single day.

If you're confused, really - what do you think you're doing when you sit down in a chair, then stand back up? You're performing a modified squat!

So, YES, everyone SHOULD be using squats in an exercise program. I don't care how old you are, what your gender is, or whether you have a bad back or creaky knees. A squat is a natural movement - and natural, functional, everyday, compound movements should be used to safely build functional strength and joint stability.

Of course... if you do have injuries, the squatting movement can be modified. But it isn't often that the squat should be eliminated altogether. Bad backs and knees can many times be improved through corrective exercises like squats.

And that brings me to today's pet peeve video.
Although squats are essential to a balanced exercise program, too many exercisers don't do them correctly. And incorrect technique will lead to imbalances, pain, and injury.

If you want to find out what mistakes to avoid... AND if you want to discover my specific tips for a more effective squat... take a look.

Also, if you make any of the mistakes in the video and you don't know how to fix them, look for my upcoming article "How to Fix Your Squat" in this month's issue of the newsletter.

(sign up for the FREE newsletter, DM Monthly, in the upper right hand corner of this page!)


Aaron Benes said...

Hey Kim,

The squat is probably one of the most botched movements in the gym. Plus it is so rarely ever done, which is quite unfortunate because when done properly, it is one of the best lifts for your entire body!

Excellent easy to understand basic coverage of the squat...way to go Kim.

By the way hopefully we can get more of you ladies and gents incorporating the squat into your exercise routine in 2009!

Anonymous said...


I really like this video. I don't do many squats as I should, thus my flat bum...but, this video got me motivated to get back into it! I look forward to your e-letter every month!
