Thursday, October 23, 2008

More Crossfit lessons... just the bare minimum?

You know what most people do when they work out?

Most people do the bare minimum.

They lift a weight that feels 'heavy' and they do a bunch of reps until they get tired.
They might try to do some pushups or assisted pullups, but they never attempt to graduate to more difficult pushups and real pullups.
They want to lose weight - so they get on the treadmill and walk real slow for an hour.

Bare minimum.
Just showing up.

Believe me - what most people are doing might allow them to work up a sweat or "feel the burn" - but the lack of a challenge will lead to two things...
1) no real progress toward a goal
2) it get's boring!

Just showing up is not good enough, people!!

In the Crossfit 360 gym, we've got a role model that obliterates the bare minimum crap.

Jason, another one of my instructors, is insane. Insane!
Don't get me wrong, he's the sweetest guy ever - but we all believe that he's from another planet :) No one can even get close to what Jason accomplishes.

Why is he such a machine?
...The man will not accept "just the bare minimum." In his students or in himself.

In his role as an exerciser, he first thinks about what he could do comfortably, then he chooses a challenge way beyond that (and even though the decision seems foolish during the exercise... the accomplishment always far outweighs the discomfort). Now, that's walking the talk!

It's the same for when Jason is head honcho of a class. He urges us to choose a bit more weight, do a few more reps before stopping, complete pushups the "real" way, perform a tough skill with perfect form (even though that makes it harder), move a bit faster between exercises, and continue to improve from the last time.

It's never easy. And although he makes it look easy to us humans - you can see that he's pushing his limits. And by his example, the rest of us absolutely have to follow his lead.

And, no, pushing yourself is not enjoyable. It kinda hurts. But it's amazing to see how much you can accomplish - and how quickly you can progress - if you reach for more than the minimum.

As for me... I'm gonna keep striving to reach to the rafters where Jason is.
Why not? The only way to go is up!


Anonymous said...

Jason's idea of a good time is a Crossfit workout called GI Jane- 100 burpee pullups. Yep- you do a burpee, then jump up & grab the bar, and do a pullup. He's a fitness animal!!!!!!!! And one of the nicest guys I know- a gentle giant.
PS- Sorry, Jason, if that's bad for your bad guy image.
PPS- Post, guys!!! Post!!

Anonymous said...

Fee Fi Fo Fum...The GI Jane workout made my hands feel numb... Actually, they were a little sore but I sure as hell felt good when I was done!