Monday, December 15, 2008

A Vegas weekend to remember...

I got to spend a quick weekend in Vegas... and when I say quick, I mean zooom!

But even with time zooming by, I had the opportunity to experience two incredible events...

1) The reason I was in Las Vegas was to support 4 muay thai kickboxing fighters from the school in which I train, 360 Combat Club. I have to give these four guys so much credit... those fights are brutal!

Honestly, it takes so much internal drive to be able to put yourself out there in such a risky, volatile situation such as a fight. Of course, our fight school instructor, Alan, gets these guys in such great shape, conditioning-wise. No one had any problems keeping up with the physical intensity of the fights. Like Jenn, the co-owner of 360 was mentioning... conditioning is the only thing you can control in these situations. And our fighters did everything possible to condition themselves for success. It was evident.

But I can imagine that one's confidence can take a beating as a live fight unfolds. There's so much left to chance. There's so much strategy that develops only after the fight begins. There are so many uncontrolled factors that can crop up throughout three 2-minute rounds. Anyone who participates in this type of physical challenge has built up a healthy dose of courage and self-confidence.

I was so impressed by our fighters' effort. It was an inspiring experience, for sure. It really made me appreciate, yet again, all that the human body is capable of. And, it also made me appreciate how a focus on fitness can give you the tools to be able to tackle aggressive challenges like these.

Congrats to Steve, Mike, Brandon, and Greg. Here's to a great showing!!

John & Alan w/ the new 360 ride!

2) In between arriving and watching fights, I visited Crossfit Las Vegas - the sister gym to my workout haven, Crossfit 360. A group of us from Crossfit 360 showed up to represent our stellar conditioning during one of their scheduled workouts.

And, boy, did they give us an amazingly challenging workout! All in all, I performed 70 "thrusters" (squat + shoulder press) and 70 "sumo deadlift high pulls" with the prescribed weight for the men. That's right! I said- the same weight as all the men were lifting. Took me a little bit longer - but I had a blast trying to keep up. Well, I had a blast talking about it afterwards... I was definitely struggling a bit during the intense exercises! Here's some photos...

Sweet Crossfit Art!

Communal sweat-fest in LV

10 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls (7 rounds)

I'm owning those Thrusters!

We're committed to fitness :)

It was great to meet more people with a passion for intense physical challenges. The LV Crossfitters were extremely motivating (and friendly)... makes me excited to meet more Crossfitters around the world!

All in all - a great trip to Vegas.

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