Friday, October 24, 2008

More Crossfit lessons... girl power!

We all know that men are little testosterone factories.

They have the ability to achieve unbelievable amounts of strength - and they can turn on the aggression when it's needed (or even when it's not, right?).

So, men are expected to excel in the fitness world... Men understand that, no matter how unfit they may be at the start of a new program, they have the potential to reach any fathomable goal.

I'm certain that women have the same potential to reach any goal.
Yes, they will always have a bit of a disadvantage against the fore-mentioned "testosterone factories" - but who cares?!!

Unfortunately, I'm sad to say, a large majority of women have many preconceived notions about what they're capable of.

Way too often, I hear:
"I can't do a real pushup"
"That's too difficult for me"
"I'll never be able to do that in a million years - it's impossible"
"I don't wanna be strong" (I absolutely hate that one!)

It's ridiculous. To hear so many females fail to believe in their amazing capabilities.

Well, I found another buddy who shares my belief in "girl power", if you will.

Jeannie, my Krav Maga instructor (israeli self defense), kicks major a**!
I am awe-struck by her ability to exude a power much bigger than herself in the world of self-defense. She strives to be powerful, strong, and intimidating - to anyone who might wanna invade her personal space.

Not only does she provide a fantastic example for the ultimate strong, confident female... not only does she beat up on every guy that enters her class... and not only does she give her female students the tools to be a menacing threat in an unwanted situation...
But she also supports ANY strong female in ANY arena.

We share that sentiment.

We both have a lot of respect for women that are not afraid to get dirty, to become strong, and to prove themselves in the world of fitness.

And judging from her nicely-pedicured toenails, I know Jeannie also believes that women can be both feminine/dainty AND animalistic at the same time (or just "strong" and "fit", if "animalistic" scares you). :)

Jeannie restores my faith in the female potential - as do many of the ladies that join me in the Crossfit workouts!

Now, to all my fellow ladies reading this blog... I challenge YOU to strive for your potential.
Stop denying that you can be strong and absolutely fierce!
Find something you can't do, and learn how to do it.
Impress yourself and others by accomplishing what most believe to be "impossible".

And leave me a quick comment about what you intend to strive for...

I mean it! Tell me about your Girl Power!! Or I'll sic Jeannie on you...


Anonymous said...

Wow, Kim, thank you! It feels so great to be acknowledged for something that truly means so much to me. And, by the way, you rock, girl! Keep kickin xfit butt, and then heading over to my class to do it again in Kav! I love it! YOU inspire ME! I'm so proud to have you as my student and so proud of all the women I train with. They all inspire me each and every day! You go, girls!

PS. Word verification was "oushe" as in, "Oww, SHE just kicked my a**". ;)

Kim Ball said...

Man, I feel the love!

You better believe I'll keep kickin butt... I've only just begun :)

Can't wait to learn more of your magical female aggression powers at Krav. Girl Powa!