Friday, December 19, 2008

Quotation of the Week

"Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent." - Marilyn vos Savant

Today's quote goes along with the "fight" theme from this week.

Sure, we often experience defeat when faced with a battle. Three of my fighter friends last weekend were not necessarily successful in their kickboxing fights. By judges' decision, they "lost". They were defeated by their opponent that day. However... just because one fight is a disappointment, or just because a couple judges decide that you were not the top competitor... that doesn't mean all is lost.

Those fellas will come back and train harder. They'll get better - but, honestly, they'll still lose sometimes. It's inevitable.

Same with anyone who doesn't literally "fight" in a ring as a hobby.

If you are battling something, anything - say you're fighting the fat loss battle, or you're fighting to graduate from school, or you're fighting for the job promotion, or... There WILL be disappointments. You won't always come out on top. You won't always win. You won't always be successful.

But you must keep trying. Because the failures are where you learn the most. They lead to the successes.

Whatever your battle in this upcoming new year, please don't give up.

No matter how often you feel defeated - the persistent person who keeps on coming back with another attack will eventually overcome that defeat.

So, next time you take a blow - dust off your pride, accept that defeat is acceptable and fleeting, then get up and try again!

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