Monday, November 17, 2008

I Love Mud :)

Who do you spend your time with?
Think about it!

With whom do you surround yourself on a daily/weekly basis?

Are you surrounded by lazy, unhealthy people that always complain?
Do you hang out with persons who squash your dreams and keep you stuck in one place?
Do you spend time with people who are a bit excessive with the eating, drinking, and indulging?

Well, not to brag, but...
I spend my time with people who absolutely LOVE to be physical.
I surround myself with those who aren't afraid to spend their weekends trying new and challenging things.

They aren't Olympic athletes... they aren't obsessive about being overly healthy... they honestly love to rest as much as they love to be active...
And, most importantly, they are positive, like-minded people who enjoy hanging out with other positive, active, energetic persons. They love life!

And this past weekend, they joined me for a jaunt in the mud...

My stellar group of devoted individuals made the trek down to San Diego for a 5K race full of mud pits and steep hills. And, boy, was it messy! But what an absolute blast. I must say - it wouldn't have been nearly as much fun without such a large group of people. It was really exciting to see everyone pushing themselves, motivating each other, horsing around, and thoroughly enjoying themselves.

Here's a preview of the aftermath...

(more photos to come in a day or two...)

I have found an amazing group of people that I enjoy spending the majority of my time with.
Our adventures are not over... not in the least. And we didn't even have the entire group of people with us at the Mud Run! Yes, there are more!

Have you found a group of people to help motivate you??
Are YOU surrounding yourself with people that will help make you the best person you can possibly be?

Well, what are you waiting for?!

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