Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Your turn - Question of the Week

To go along with Monday's post, let's talk about FEAR.

Everyone is afraid of something... even if you're scared to admit it.

So, let's face our fears! Let's get them all out on the table.

Today's question:


What specific fear lurks in the back of your mind?
It doesn't have to be fitness/health-related, and you can totally be anonymous when you comment. But I'd really like you to be aware of these fears - and to be okay with these fears. Because it's not "bad" to be fearful... it's only human to be scared of the unknown.
I just don't want any of you to let that fear paralyze you!

So, shout out your fear! Listen to others fears. Bond. Feel supported.
Then go out there and live a life that crashes through all those silly fears!


The Ray said...

Well other than my fear of balloons and clowns, I must admit that I am terrified of getting seriously injured or even dieing at work for an unjust cause. To elaborate, I don’t want my wife and child to have to live knowing that some druggy or some gang-banger killed me because they didn’t want to do time for their stupidity. I take my job very seriously, that’s why I do my best to stay in shape and to condition my mind for battle everyday I’m at work. I’ve taken a lot of different self-defense classes from Boxing, Jiu-Jitsu, Karate, Judo, Kick-Boxing and now Krav Maga. Believe me when I say this, “Krav Maga is the best self-defense program for street survival.” Now I’m adding Cross-Fit into the mix, I feel that I have a pretty good balance to help ease my fear. I know I went on a tangent, just understand that fear is a state of mind and only the people that face their fears are those who succeed at defeating their fears. Okay that’s all I got for today, thanks for the soapbox Kim…..Have a great Gobble Gobble day!

Kim Ball said...

I don't want some idiot to shoot you up, bang bang, either, Ray!
And, yeah, I agree that facing your fears will help defeat your fears.

Which is why I like this question. Makes ya think...

I guess my biggest fear is losing my ability to be fit and physical (like in an accident or something). But I guess that's a bit out of my control. So, my other fear is that I'll never reach my full potential in my role as a fitness professional. And, believe me, that fear keeps me going every day. Because I won't give up til I reach the top, baby!

Keep being brave, my friends...

Anonymous said...

I fear Kim Ball.