Monday, October 13, 2008

Words of wisdom for the weary

I heard a great quote today on one of Crossfit's Facebook pages...
It goes along with a recurring theme in these posts.

The quote said, "Exercise doesn't always have to be fun... to be fun."

Maybe you don't really understand that yet.
But I want you to.

If you don't exercise now, I want you to understand that the actual act of exercise - that 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 45 minutes, or hour and a half that you're doing the activity - is not usually a blissful event.

I don't know many people that absolutely love the discomfort that comes WHILE they're in the midst of a physical challenge.

Honestly... whether you're a beginner or an extremely advanced exerciser - the exercise is not always fun. Especially when it's really strenuous.

But you get better at dealing with the discomfort.

And afterwards... AH! What a rush! That was FUN!
But it really sucked...

Give me a shout-out in the comment section if you know what I mean!

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