Saturday, October 4, 2008

Do you have a choice?

My client Richard is a riot. He comes to each workout with an interesting anecdote, a whimsical observation about everyday life, or a plain ole' dirty joke.

But yesterday, he actually had a moment of insight. So, of course, I took notice :)

What did he share with me?
Richard shared the quote: "Attitude is a choice"

After thinking the quote over, he decided... your attitude and your disposition really are a direct reflection of how you choose to display yourself.

And he's right!

You DO have a choice.

If you're gloomy and unpleasant... you've chosen to be in a bad mood.
If you're visibly frustrated and stressed... you've chosen to let those emotions affect you.
If you're lethargic and disinterested... then you've chosen to give up.

That doesn't mean you can't feel those negative, raw emotions.
I'm not saying that you can never feel pessimistic, cranky, or upset.
It's impossible to expect you to to have neverending excitement and inspiration toward life's challenges (especially when those challenges involve changes in fitness and nutrition!)

I'm simply saying that you can choose how your emotions affect you.
You can decide to allow those emotions to overtake you... or you can choose to focus on more effective uses of your time.
You can choose to rise to a challenge - or just complain about having to tackle that challenge.

But your attitude doesn't just "happen". It doesn't just appear.
You have a choice in the matter...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kim!

That is so funny, I just wrote about this today. Well both you and Richard are so right! A person's attitude is one of the only things they have a choice about! Most of the time I see very happy, fit, energetic, and generally successful people carrying a positive attitude. I wonder if this is just a coincidence.