Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Lessons from my Crossfit family

I hear inspiring words of wisdom from my new Crossfit family almost every day.

Every time I visit the gym, I know I'm gonna hear at least one positive comment.

How nice is that, huh?

It's refreshing to KNOW that there's no way you're gonna hear "ugh, I don't wanna be here today", "working out sucks", or "this is too hard" (insert whiny, annoying voice)

Everyone in attendance is obviously struggling to finish the strenuous workouts - but the statements I'm more likely to hear are...
"I did it!"
"That was awesome - in an evil kinda way"
"Wow, that was brutal! See you guys here again tomorrow?"

Now do you see why I am hooked?

It's a natural high!

Anyway, not only do I get the positive attitudes of my fellow exercisers, but I get constant motivation and advice from the people that work there.

The other day, Jenn (owner and instructor at Crossfit 360) was sharing some great healthy lifestyle advice with me. And I wanted to share it with you...

She mentioned that the success of one's nutritional plan is about the choices you make on a day to day basis. Success with an exercise plan is also about the actions you take on a day to day basis.

It's not about what happens during holidays and vacations (although going WAY overboard on the eating will set you back a little). It's not about the occasional treats/cheats that a dedicated exerciser enjoys. And it's not about that periodic day off from exercise that wasn't planned...

Jenn stresses that becoming lean and strong - and remaining lean/strong for life - are accomplished through consistent, beneficial choices

Not just during the weekdays. Not just on days when you feel like it. Every day. Every meal. Every workout.

And when a commitment to health brings that kind of devotion to making good choices even when no one is looking... that's when you can plan some wiggle room. THAT'S when the wiggle room doesn't affect your health. That's when eating "bad" food and taking a break from your workout doesn't leave a single footprint in your level of fitness (or your stellar physical appearance!)

Now, Jenn doesn't admit to being perfect at her dedication to consistency. I don't think anyone can avoid all mistakes! But her effort is amazing. And she strives to teach us all that it's worth it to spend that kind of effort on yourself. I thank Jenn and her husband, Alan, for giving so much of themselves and their values to those of us at Crossfit 360!

I can only hope that I effect YOUR ability to put effort into yourself.

And if I haven't... I'll keep trying.
Day by day. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I photograph like Quasimodo. I'm much cuter in person, people!!! :) And, as Kim wisely pointed out, I am definitely NOT perfect! I just try as hard as I can on any given day, with varying degrees of success :)
PS- Doesn't Kim look hot in her picture? Now there's a gal who photographs well...