Friday, October 17, 2008

The bluebird of happiness

Paul Chek gets emotional about happiness!

He's appalled by the fact that no one seems to be happy with themselves and their own lives.
Yet, they don't seem to take responsibility for creating happiness and satisfaction...

So, he becomes a peppy songbird to deliver his message that happiness is so very essential for a prosperous life.

In this video, he encourages you to realize...
YOU create your body...
YOU create your reality...
YOU create your own happiness!

Now, you don't have to buy any of his products - even though he mentions some stuff in these videos. I simply wanted to brighten your week with some new perspectives. As well as some motivational thoughts and a swift kick in the pants!

I've really enjoyed sharing these energetic presentations from the down-to-earth, unconventional expert on health and wellness, Paul Chek.

I hope you have benefited from them as well :)

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