Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More Crossfit lessons... your fitness focus

When you strive to accomplish health, what do YOU focus on??

If you focus on appearance, the numbers on a scale, improving specific body parts, dieting to lose fat, depriving yourself to reach a superficial goal...
You will most likely have little success in your pursuit for "health" or "fitness"

On the flip side...

If you focus on living a healthy lifestyle, becoming strong, reaching a specific performance goal, finding an enjoyable and engaging activity that you can stick with, participating in group activities, nourishing your body, being a role model for your family...
You will develop a meaningful, significant, worthwhile definition for health.
You'll have more opportunities for success in your health/fitness goals
You'll have every reason for infinite adherence to a life of health and prosperity.

Truthfully, health is
  • a mindset
  • a mentality
  • a foundational purpose
  • a conviction
  • a lifestyle
  • a lucid concern for vitality...
It's not just diet and exercise.
It's not just blood pressure, cholesterol, and body fat.

To continue with my "lessons from my Crossfit family" theme this week...

My kickboxing and Crossfit instructor, Steve, repeatedly voices his belief that health should not be temporary. It should NOT be a limited engagement to get you out of the trouble that laziness got you into. And it shouldn't be solely connected to superficial goals.

Health, fitness, and livelihood should be a constant effort - a conscious choice to allow your body to reach its full potential - a significant part of who you are - an enthusiasm for life.

But Steve believes that obsession and guilt need not apply. He stresses that you should be able to leave your enjoyable health routine for a bit, take a short-lived vacation without feeling remorse, then fall back into it with ease.

And, of course, Steve abides by these rules in his own life. He's a resilient, endless ball of energy who strives to prove everyone wrong about what is possible... He's ready for any challenge.
And he expects to get a lot out of his life - so fitness is essential to keep him going. And so is a focus on complete well-being.

At the same time, Steve also expects a lot out of us! He pushes all us Crossfitters to challenge ourselves, to lead active lives, and to enjoy the process of being alive. His enthusiasm is contagious.

He reminds me that there's more to life than how you look, what you weigh, or how perfect your diet is... and he reminds me that there's a freedom in seeking out new, unfamiliar tasks, and there are many rewards in accepting a little healthy competition! :)

Now... I'm reminding YOU, my readers, that your quest for health will depend on your ability to create an environment of pride, self-respect, effort, and enjoyment. Like Steve does.

It's all about focus. A focus on complete well-being and total satisfaction.

Will you focus on achieving a better version of you? Will you fill your life with fear and excitement? (instead of relying on comfort and routine)

Leave me a quick comment below if you're committed to enhancing your life.

Or are you scared?...

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