Saturday, October 11, 2008

Is there an easier way?

Did you ever notice that...
an exercise is so much harder if you do it the RIGHT way??

It's true!
  • If you do a pushup with correct technique, it hurts!
  • Keeping your chest up, your butt back, and your heels down in a squat is not comfortable.
  • Sinking down very low to get a full range of motion in dips is super difficult, right?
ANY exercise you do with intensity will be challenging.
Especially when the targeted muscles start to fatigue.

And even though it's best for you to find an easier way to do all other tasks in life (like maybe cooking meals or managing a business)...
This does NOT apply to exercise!!

The "easier" way in exercise is usually the cheater's method for completing skills and workouts.

It's true that the body doesn't want to to an exercise the hard way...
Your body wants to take the least challenging path possible.
Like you on a Saturday morning, your body is inherently lazy when it comes to physical tasks.

YOU have to fight against that urge to regress to incorrect techniques and wimpy effort.

Just accept the fact that exercise will be difficult... stop fighting the inevitable.

And, honestly, the more you practice a skill with proper form - the more you push yourself through discomfort and teach your muscles to withstand the challenge...
The easier exercise will be.

That's good news, eh?

But then you've gotta start pushing yourself even harder... :)

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