Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Who gives you the right?

Have you ever heard anyone utter this statement:
"I worked out so hard! I have the right to eat whatever I want."

Talk about false entitlement!

I've said before that highly competitive athletes and lean, active people can afford to slip up on their nutrition a little bit more. They're active enough - and their metabolisms are fast enough - to handle an occasional grub-fest on the "bad" foods.

But most people - especially the millions of people trying to improve their physiques - cannot afford to believe that exercise makes them exempt from healthy eating.

You can not exercise hard enough to make up for unhealthy food choices. Strenuous activity might delay the negative effects of horrendous eating - but it won't stop those effect from happening. Fatty, greasy, sugary, processed foods WILL affect your body in a negative way... there's no doubt about it. If you're young, maybe you won't see the error of your ways for a good, long while. But just wait.

If you, yourself, have come to believe that exercise magically erases bad nutrition... do me a favor. Fill up the bathtub with freezing cold water, dump 5 super-duper large bags of ice into the water, and dunk your head into the tub.

Wake UP!

Stop living in a make-believe world of denial.

Begin forming healthier habits NOW... because it only gets harder the longer you wait. If you're young, start being healthy before your body really begins reacting to your bad habits. If you're already a bit older, it's never too late to start.

We all need to get away from the mindset that we deserve to receive anything special simply because we worked hard.

Ask yourself this... do you deserve a life of lethargy, fatigue, pain, and disease?

I didn't think so.

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