Friday, January 23, 2009

Quotation of the Week

"Are you gonna text? Or are you gonna work out? You can't do both." - a regular at my gym

I heard one of the dedicated weightlifters in my gym say these exact words to his workout buddy last week. Brilliant.

I mean, I may not be giving you some profound quote from a well-known keynote speaker or a famous writer - but it sure is a wise statement!

Especially because there are way too many folks who waste a lot of time in the gym. They don't actively focus on the act of exercising. There's never any the connection between the mind and the muscles.

Seriously, people! Exercise is NOT the time to multi-task!

I'm a notorious multi-tasker - but I will NOT use my workout time to do anything else but kicking my own butt. Why? Because you won't get as much out of your exercises if you mindlessly rush through them while focusing on something else.

Like your phone.
Or the TV.
Or a magazine.
Or catching up on the latest gossip.

When it's time to workout, choose to workout. And leave everything else until after you finish. That way, you'll give everything you've got - every last bit of effort - into the activity.

As I'll cover next week... you can get your body to accomplish SO much more than your brain can even imagine. But you can't do that if you're not mentally present 100%.

I'll discuss that concept of searching for your limits in more depth next week.

But for now, go get in one more rockin' workout. Turn on some upbeat music and get ready to concentrate only on what your body is doing. Actively participate in your exercise session. Focus on doing the movement correctly... focus on form when it really starts to hurt... focus on getting just one more rep in...

And put your phone away.

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