Friday, January 16, 2009

Quotation of the Week

"Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think." -Martin Luther King, Jr.

With Martin Luther King, Jr's birthday coming up on Monday, I thought I'd pay the brilliant man my respects by posting one of his famous quotes...

And as you can see, it's a good one!

I am in strong agreement with the sentiment that most people are always searching for the easiest answers and the quickest, most convenient solutions.

In the world of health/disease, we can't seem to stop looking for the next best drug for our problems and issues. Doctors and other health professionals just don't seem to want to think critically about what might be causing these problems and issues - and how to best tend to the root cause. Instead of treating the annoying symptoms.

In the world of fitness/fat loss, we are surrounded by "NEW weight loss secrets", "incredible, magical fat loss supplements", easy exercise programs that require hardly any effort, surgical procedures like gastric bypass, lap band surgery, and liposuction... People want someone else to create something to fix their deteriorating bodies - instead of finding out why they've gotten to the point of deterioration, and learning what to do instead.

In a sluggish economy, we would rather accept our fate of economic strain, instead of taking the time to think about what we might be able to change in our lives to alleviate our situation. We'd rather blame others, feel bad about our lot in life, and lay around moping. Instead of using our brains to drum up a better plan.

As a society...
  • We don't use our brains inside our little heads to question things that everyone else has simply accepted.
  • We don't take the time to learn about things that interest us, things that concern us, things that bother us.
  • We don't look at the challenges in our lives and think hard about what we can do to find high-quality solutions for those problems and to create better situations for ourselves.
  • And, most importantly, even if we do question things, brainstorm great solutions, and research "stuff"... we DON'T take action.

Dr. King didn't say anything about taking action. But I will.

Because it's not easy to act. It's easy to sit. It's easy to stay far away from action and change.

Let's stop taking the easy road.
Let's stop looking for the most convenient answer to our problems.
Let's stop rushing through life and focusing on unimportant, trivial stuff.

Take the time to stop and think.
About what you're doing for your body.
About what you're feeding to your mind.
About how you can continually improve the quality of your life.

And then...
Stay off that easy road and ACT on your thoughts!

Have a great extended weekend!

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