Friday, January 2, 2009

Quotation of the Week

"Most folks are about as happy as they make their minds up to be." - Abraham Lincoln

It's the second day of 2009.
And I know many people are enjoying some happy thoughts today, simply because it's Friday.

But, come Monday, will these folks still be smiling joyfully, ready to tackle the new year?

Fortunately, this time of year brings about a lot of motivation, inspiration, and hope. Most of us have clear visions toward a desirable end result. Or, we've simply recharged the batteries and are ready to dive back into life and all its challenges. Either way, happiness is pretty abundant as we turn the calendar to January.

But, as you know, time goes by and motivation wanes.
Weeks pass by and negativity sets in.
Frustration takes hold and people give up.
Happiness disappears.

My thoughts on why happiness disappears?

Because we are dissatisfied with ourselves and our situations.
We become afraid to take the next big step - OR we honestly believe we are gonna fail at the next big step... so we remain stagnant and therefore, dissatisfied.

And when we are dissatisfied and unhappy, we focus on everything else that's not the way we'd like it to be.

My thoughts on how to remain happy?

1) Don't worry so much about what's going on in the world or in others' lives. You can be concerned, but don't spend time worrying. That stuff doesn't affect you. Just because the economy is slow doesn't mean you have to suffer. Just because there are crimes being committed all around the world and natural disasters taking place... doesn't mean you have to watch every single moment of news coverage. You can't control that stuff. Stop letting it control you! In the words of Rihanna - just live your life! Just focus on that.

2) Take a leap of faith. Do the preliminary research to make sure you understand what to expect when you leap... then just take a chance and do something you're afraid of! Don't hold back on those business ideas, exercise challenges, nutritional quests, or gigantic dreams just because you might fail. Failure very well might happen. Do it anyway.

3) Do something that makes you uncomfortable each and every week. Stop living in your comfort zone! We only really grow and change and progress when we're trying new things. So, strive for a little discomfort every week. If you don't, you'll soon be dissatisfied and unhappy...

Seriously, folks...
Take the time to surprise yourself at the things you can accomplish. Because it's those little surprises and those little moments of pride that will make you happy. Don't rely on the outside stuff to make you happy. Ignore that stuff and do what good ole' Abe Lincoln said... make your mind up, and be happy.

Happy New Year!!


Aaron Benes said...

Make up your mind and be happy!

Make is the key word in that sentence.

Kim I don't know about you, but honestly I cannot say that I wake up every single day with sunshine shooting out of all my orifices...but I can say that I have a choice every single day as to whether or not I'm happy.

No I'm not pretending or faking it. I actually make a decision every day!

Great topic...I love the honesty.

Unknown said...

What an inspiring passage. Thank you for this one and for helping others help themselves (calling Jerry Maguire...) I'm reposting your message for some of my friends to read.