Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Video Series - 10th installment

This week's pet peeve video talks about my frustration with those people who insist on doing 500+ crunches in the gym for their abdominal workout. Or even those who do a half hour of ab exercises every day. And what about the people that only attempt the easy, one-dimensional stomach exercises - and stay away from the butt-kickin', uber challenging stuff?

If you do this, do you have a six pack yet?
Do you have a fabulously flat stomach?

I'm willing to bet you don't.

I remember when Britney Spears was young and invincible - with a deliciously flat stomach. She would tell everyone about the 1,000 crunches she did each day, PLUS the hour of slow, steady cardio per day... and everyone started following her lead. She looks phenomenal - so she must be doing something right, huh?

It's funny how we like to follow what celebrities do for their workouts - even though they usually have speedy metabolisms, envious genetic makeups, plenty of money to spend on trainers and personal chefs, and unhealthy relationships with food/exercise.

We now know that the workout I just described is utter CRAP.
It won't produce any fat loss results for the average person.
It won't do anything for your stomach strength or appearance.

Watch the video to find out what kind of exercises actually benefit the stomach!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've been anti-gym lately and pro-home or outside workout. Thank you for reinforcing these exercises. I just need to get a ball at home!