Monday, January 12, 2009

Sweet idleness...

You know what I did over the weekend?

I slept.


I took the weekend off from workouts.
I let my body recover after pushing myself all week.

I did a little bit of work - but I did a lot of selfish stuff.
Like surfing the internet for relaxing, non work-related stuff, playing board games, watching movies, and sitting around in the sun with my dog, my husband, and my good friends.
I let my mind rest after focusing on work all week.

Do you "play hooky" from your responsibilities like that?

Even though you've heard that your body and mind need rest...
Do you really allow yourself to be lazy, selfish, and indulgent?

Yes, some of you out there already have the lazy thing down. That's true.

But there are huge groups of people that work hard, exercise hard, and attend to all their family/work/life responsibilities - like good adults "should". But they don't take breaks from work and responsibility.

That habit will age you like no other.

I always preach balance in life.
Well, if we work hard, don't we need some solid rest to balance out the equation?
To stay young and energetic, don't we need to spend some time being lazy, silly, or spontaneous... not just responsible?

Forget about the responsibilities sometimes!
Take a break!

And you'll have so much energy and vitality for when the work and responsibility calls you back into action. Like today! I'm ready to get back into the action!

1 comment:

Aaron Benes said...

Awesome stuff today!

Plus recovery is one of the "secret" keys to fat loss?

The harder you train especially if you are in a caloric deficit, then the more you must rest in order to keep the intensity up from one workout to the next.