Friday, January 9, 2009

Quotation of the Week

"Chaos is inherent in all compounded things. Strive on with diligence." -Buddha

Life is messy.

Plans never go the way we want them to.

New problems and issues and challenges crop up all the time.

We control what we can, but EVERYTHING else is completely out of our control.

Too many variables constitute what occurs to us and around us each and every day. And those excess variables really do create an inherently chaotic environment.

How do we find success and satisfaction in any of our life endeavors in that kind of disorder? How do we create balance in our lives, develop a solid level of health and fitness, discover substantial fulfillment and well-being, AND reach our endless, lifelong goals when we're surrounded by uncontrollable chaos??

We accept it.

We deal with it.

We plan and strategize. We strive to succeed. Then we adapt to the changes that need to be made as everything changes around us.

Change is good. Chaos is great. Excuses are unacceptable.

Thrive in the chaos around you - accept it. And don't hesitate to create the healthy, happy life you deserve.

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