Thursday, November 6, 2008

Your turn - Question of the Week

Okay... that was fun.
But back to business.

If you have dedicated your time to exercise for any period of time,
you know that there's a selection of challenging exercises that are
extremely effective... but they really suck.

Meaning: the exercises work really well - they make your muscles burn and shake - and even though you will include them in your workout because they are really great exercises, you don't enjoy doing them at all. That is, until you're finished :)

So, tell me friends...

**Leave me comments on these days... I'm keeping track...


Kim Ball said...

I would have to say burpees. Or maybe pullups from a dead hang. Or possibly heavy deadlifts. Or, wait! It's gotta be the sprinting...
So much to choose from :)

Lizen said...

Hey Kim!

Just finished watching the crossfit video featuring the workout with 7 push jerk/15 pull ups/25 sit ups and I have to say you looked awesome! I'm now a big fan. You make it look easy...


Anonymous said...

I think I hate anything when you have to do a lot of it. Like, I don't mind 10 burpees, but 150? Same thing goes for wall balls. And pullups. And box jumps. The only thing this doesn't apply to is abs, which I could probably do forever. Yep- underneath the padding, I definitely have a washboard. But it's important that I keep the padding- otherwise I make other people jealous! ;)

Anonymous said...

I absolutely hate those rings & push ups after this morning. I was all alone this morning.haha I agree with Jenn I'm up for sit ups all day. Oh by the way I signed up for the Mud Run with a friend. But it will probably end up being more like a mud walk.Who else is going? ;)

- Victoria

Anonymous said...

Here you go Miss Kim a posting on your blog.Question: What Is The Proper Order To Work Bodyparts and Exercises? And should I document my workouts? ie "Workout Log Book"
Your Friend, Lighting aka Mater

Andy said...

I would have to say ring dips since my shoulder wimped out on me today. So I did the 400m runs and squats. I thought I pretty well until I noticed Kim ball kicked my butt in that also. Kim you are a "Animal".
My word verification is unfiti, now the computer rubs it in...

Kim Ball said...

Hey Mater -
To answer your question...
There really is no "proper" way to organize exercises in a workout.
There are thousands of ways to structure an effective workout.
And just an FYI - splitting your workouts up by bodyparts isn't very effective at all...

Also, YES, you should document your workouts (sets,reps,times) - otherwise, how will you know if you're progressing? How will you know what new goal to shoot for?

Food for thought!
Your buddy, She-Ra

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim!

Great question. I would have to say wall balls. I just can't seem to hit that darn blue line, but I'll keep trying!

Mustafa said...

It's the burpees - and because of the pushup insistance in the middle. I don't mind doing jump-sprawls so much (which is like a burpee, except you substitute a sprawl for the pushup), as they lend themselves to a better rhythm.

Hi Kim!

Dai2daime said...

It's those damn push-ups! At first I didn't like them, but now I hate em...I hate em...I hate em!!! I only do them because I know that you're just going to keep adding them into my workouts. But I love you for it because my arms look so good now.
