Monday, November 24, 2008

Me? Scared? You betcha!

Most people are surprised when I say this, but I've always been very scared. Of everything!

As a child, I was super shy and afraid of conversation/communication/connection with strangers, adults, and intimidating people. I didn't like any sort of attention... it made me very uncomfortable.

As a young gymnast, I was afraid of any new skill. It took me twice as long to learn things that other kids had no problem attempting - which was an issue throughout my gymnastics career. Fear always slowed me down.

But it never stopped me.

In gymnastics, I always tried to do new and scary things, even if it took me forever to convince myself to attempt it.

At amusement parks, it took me years to conquer the big roller coasters and vertical drops, but I eventually took the plunge.

In unfamiliar, relatively dangerous sports, like surfing and snowboarding, I would stand back with sweaty hands and a chattering jaw, but I'd go out there and try my best after that initial hesitation.

In non-physical tasks, like talking to new people in social settings, making a speech in front of a group, or conversing with an intimidating person (whether intimidating because of their success, their stature, their intelligence, their strength of character, or their experience)... I had the most trouble with finding the confidence to do these, but I would eventually take the risk of falling on my face and humiliating myself.

In every instance of fear (and there have been a lot!), I eventually go for it.
I will always try. I always take the risk.

I take pride in that. Fear will NOT win. And it will not hold me back.

How 'bout you?

Do you let fear hold you back?
Or do you dive into new situations and tackle new challenges when they arise?

Do you let fear stop you from reaching your fitness goals?
Or are you willing to ignore that fear and do whatever it takes to make those goals possible?

There are no excuses for succumbing to fear.
Take it from someone who is somewhat of a scaredy-cat! :)
You don't have to be fearless. And you don't have to be inherently courageous or heroic.

But you do have to be brave enough to try. At some point.
I don't care if it takes you twice as long to do something that you're afraid of...
As long as you eventually try!

1 comment:

Jeremy and Alissa Nelms said...

When your fears become exciting... you will have literally become a new person!


Jeremy Nelms
No Excuses Fat Loss!