Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Focus on SOLUTIONS, not problems...

In honor of tax day - a day when many of us are forced to focus in clearly on our financial health - I've put together an appropriately uplifting message.

We've all got problems. Situations we need to improve or fix altogether.

Many of us are stressed about money, employment, or security. Even more of us are stressed about our level of fitness, our appearance, our pain and discomfort, and our overall health.

And I don't want to devalue these stressors. They are certainly valid issues.

However, I DO want to discourage the focus on the actual stressors.
Once we acknowledge that we have a source of stress, a tangible problem that we want to fix... then why waste time and energy worrying and worrying and worrying over that problem? What benefit will worrying be to us?? Besides causing additional stress?!

Yes, we need to recognize our problems, instead of ignoring them. But once we've laid a target on that problem, we absolutely need to begin to focus on the solutions that will alleviate, improve, or remove that problem!

  • Got a hefty tax payment this year that you can't afford right this minute? Create a payment plan with the IRS. Pay off a certain amount every month. Eliminate some dinners out at restaurants until you've paid off your bill. Don't freak out and lock yourself in your room, playing the victim... Just make a plan!!
  • Got unwanted fat on your midsection? (or like my friend Coop put it... got a keg surrounding the 6 pack? ha!) Create a step-by-step plan, with specific nutritional "rules" and expected exercise goals, and follow that plan! Don't whine about how it's not fair that you have fat to lose. Don't wallow in pity for your current situation.... Just find solutions and get going!!

Don't waste your time whining and crying and stressing out over a problem. Problems will always find their way into your life. Get used to it. When you get hit by a big one, there's no use fighting it... it's here to stay. It ain't goin' nowhere!

But don't accept its presence. No sir! Take that problem and attack it with some strong solutions. Because - the more you focus on progressive action... the quicker that problem will leave you alone!

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