Friday, March 27, 2009

Quotation of the Week

"Stick to it, whatever it is, until it's done." - Dax Moy

My fellow fitness professional over in the UK, Dax Moy, is an incredible motivator to the entire global fitness community. I get inspiration from him almost daily. And although his words above are not complex and poetic... they ARE so important, and so true.

The reason most people never get to their goals is because they ditch the plan that will help them reach that end result. They stop doing what needs to be done to get where they wanna go.

Reaching a goal takes a lot of hard work. Especially in the health and fitness world. It takes oodles of time and effort to lose excess fat (especially because our bodies fight us during the entire process!)... it takes tons of practice and determination and consistency to improve physical performance... and it really requires focus and energy to change lifestyle habits that you've been practicing for your entire life.

And because of that, it is ESSENTIAL to create a plan - a blueprint - in order to get you through the extended time span of working toward your goal.

You stick to that plan. And if you fall off the wagon, you brush yourself off and get back on. And you continue to stick to the plan. Your execution of the plan may not be perfect, but that doesn't really matter. What matters is your perseverance. Your ability to hang on til you get to the end.

It's not easy, friends. I understand firsthand.

But if you want something bad enough, you'll do what it takes to get it. You will stick to it, no matter what, until it's done.

Go for it!!


Anonymous said...

grrrrrr.....just when I think I am ready to sit back and take a breather I have a post like yours show up in my reader. :o)

Frustration is ruling over the last couple days and some of the advice I've been getting is that perhaps I should sit back and just let my body maintain for a month or so and give it a bit of a break from the focus on losing weight.

Up my carbs. Up the fat. Lower the protein. Cut the dairy. It is so hard to figure out what to do or try when nothing seems to be working.

Yes, I've removed 60+ pounds of fat over the last 18 months (90 pounds total) but the slowness of its departure is causing such frustration - especially when I've tried so many things and I have another 50 to get rid of.

Yes, if I never lose another pound, I am still pleased as punch at my current weight and health. yes, things are so much better than they have been but I still believe I need to drop more fat.

So, what's a girl to do? Take a break? Push harder? Make changes, if so what? General, rhetorical questions that keep cycling through the ol' brain.

Thanks for the post, Kim. You never fail to motivate and inspire.

Luis said...

Wise words. By the way, good luck on your level 2 test.

Kim Ball said...

Hey Sybil -
I empathize with your frustrations.
But I also commend you on your 90 pounds of fat loss!! That's amazing. It truly is. There is no question that you have persistence.

So, your slow results have nothing to do with your ability to stick to something. But, my thoughts are... maybe you're changing too many things at once? Maybe you're taking out some of the things that work for you, simply because of the well-intentioned advice of others?

I don't really know... but I DO want you to take a look at my new blog post, called "Where are my results??". Let me know if the thoughts in that post are at all helpful to you. :)

Kim Ball said...

Oh, btw, that post will be published on 3/31/09...

sybil said...

Thanks Kim - just read the blog post. You're 'spot on' as we say here in Australia!

I totally agree with the 'change one thing' concept. Over the last year or so, I've been pretty good at only changing one thing per month (as I only weigh/measure monthly I try to commit to that timeframe).

This month I'm adjusting my WOE slightly (and tracking it on my menu blog). I am still sticking to a basic low carb diet but I'm adjusting my macros (increasing carbs & 'healthy' fats/decreasing protein and getting adequate calories). Most people probably don't need to fuss with micromanaging their food but perhaps I've abused food for too long and now I'm paying the price...who knows.

Something has got to work....I just refuse to believe that I can't drop any more weight. Like I've said before, I am so pleased at where I am and that I have been able to maintain at this level of fitness/health, but I can go further! And, I'm motivated to go further - it's just darn frustrating when you can't get the 'equation' quite right to get there.

No breathers for me this month! I will continue with my persistence of a fit and healthy body.

Thanks for your support and inspiration!

Kim Ball said...

I'm glad you've decided not to take a "breather", Sybil. I think you can always find some way to insert more intensity (not more duration, though!) into those workouts of yours. Or at least vary the type of intensity a bit.

I was wondering... have you ever tried cycling your carbs? By that, I mean: eating no starchy carbs on rest days, eating higher amounts on intense training days, and eating moderate amounts on less strenuous exercise days. Maybe that's something to try. Kinda like switching up the exercise stimulus - except you'd be switching up the amount of carbs. Keep the body guessing!

Here's a great article on carb cycling

Keep me posted w/ your progress! And good luck!