Friday, March 6, 2009

Quotation of the Week

"If you cannot find meaning in your life, it is your responsibility as a human being to create it, whether that is fulfilling dreams or finding work that gives you purpose and self-worth - ideally a combination of both." -Timothy Ferriss, "The 4-Hour Workweek"

Timothy Ferriss, author of the life-changing book "The 4-Hour Workweek", has certainly discovered how to fully enjoy life by eliminating arbitrary work and actually creating time to live a significant existence.

I like this quote of his, not just because it emphasizes the importance of creating a meaningful, fulfilled life... but because he urges you to create that meaning yourself! To take responsibility and to stop being a passenger in your life! To steer yourself down a pathway that YOU choose. And to stop believing that there is a specific, set plan for you - if you sit around and wait for it.

Your life will become something great if you make it that way.

Your health will improve drastically if you choose to adopt behaviors that match with the outcomes you desire.

Don't wait for it.
Don't just blindly believe the idea that you have no control.
Don't simply accept things that the outside world feeds you.
Don't cry when your life is not the way you pictured it.
Don't sulk and give up.

Go out and experience the world!
Change things in your life that don't allow you to live it in the way you'd like.
Try things that scare you - don't be afraid to embarrass yourself.

Take responsibility. For YOUR life. So that you can enjoy a full, happy, super fantabulous existence. Life rewards the brave. Will that be you?? I sure do hope so :)

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