Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The buddy system

We're one month into 2009 -

Time slips by so quickly, eh?
It's so easy to put off all the things that you really want to accomplish.

That's why I'm incredibly proud of two of my clients...

One client has been training with me for a year and a half. She's so incredibly busy at work - I don't even know when she finds the time to sleep. She never seemed to find the time to eat in the past either... but we've been aggressively working on that problem :)

Well, this female client would cancel on me pretty regularly. That is, until one month ago.

She brought me a "buddy" from work. After searching diligently for work friends who were ready, willing, and able to enter into a workout program, my client put a LOT of effort into getting that one friend into the gym as soon as the calendar turned to January.

And in the past month, these two have been extremely motivated to get to the gym for every single scheduled workout. No matter what is going on at work. They've created a strong accountability system... a buddy system!

Work is SO maddeningly busy for both of them (in this economy, it seems to me that many people are either getting laid off OR receiving the extra work from those who have been laid off) - but since they've decided to make working out a priority, they use each other to eliminate all excuses.

A carpooling schedule has been established... my female client works out on her own while her male buddy (my new client!) trains with me - and vice versa... he makes sure she eats at work - and she slaps his hand when he reaches for the sweets... and lately, they've both been coming to the gym together on the weekends when I'm not available (which just wasn't happening in the past). Brilliant!

They've kept up this system for a month - while others have only thought about it.

And for that... I am proud.

Good job, Svenja and Cesar!

Establish a buddy system for yourself! It might be the best decision you've ever made about your health.

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