Friday, February 6, 2009

Quotation of the Week

"The fact is we'll never have all the information we need to make a decision - if we did, it would be a foregone conclusion, not a decision." -David Mahoney

I absolutely LOVE this quote.

Too many times, we are so frickin' indecisive about everything!
I'm guilty, no doubt. But I'm actively trying to be more decisive.
I'm trying to make decisions and take action without trying to be so perfect.

I tell ya - the people that get stuff accomplished in life make decisions without tons of unnecessary deliberation. Even if those decisions end up being poor ones... your odds of success are much greater when more attempts are made. Meaning, you might make 15 GREAT decisions out of 20 - and I'm talking about decisive actions which lead to opportunities and results... But that's no match to making 75 GREAT decisions out of 100! Which would you rather have?

Stop stalling, people!

You want to eat better? Find a quality program to try - one that is basic, simple, and effective - and make the decision to get started! If it ends up not working for you (after a good, solid month of being consistent, of course), then tweak the program or try something different. Be a human experiment and find what works instead of complaining and being indecisive.

You want to get more fit? Go exercise! Move around! Be active! Get off the couch! There are so many resources out there - you have almost NO excuse to be indecisive or stuck in one place. Yes, you may not know what resource to turn to... so seek out the advice of someone you trust in the fitness world (like me, I hope!). Make the decision to fit fitness into your life.

You want to get rid of chronic pain? Stop complaining and seek out a fitness/health professional! Don't go to the doctor first... Go to a massage therapist, a chiropractor, an acupuncturist, a fitness pro that specializes in active release techniques and corrective exercise. Most chronic pain is from weakness and imbalances. And if it's not, a good fitness pro will refer you to someone who can help. But make the decision to seek out professional help first!

Decisions are not easy. Because we don't know what will come of them. But what would you rather do? Be afraid of the outcome of your decision?... Or postpone your life while you're comfortable?...

I'd rather be temporarily uncomfortable. You?

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