Monday, February 9, 2009

Bye-bye cable...

Yep - the cable goes off today.

I haven't really been watching much TV lately, so I won't really miss it.
I mean, I'll miss having the ability to indulge in an episode of the 'Girls Next Door', 'Top Chef', 'The L Word', or 'Secret Diary of a Call Girl'. Or even to just turn on VH1 and laugh at the pathetic, yet oh-so-addictive reality shows. But I'm sure the internet will provide me with plenty of brain candy, if I so please.

Why are we bidding farewell to cable?
Why are we simplifying?

Well, my husband and I are determined to leave for a year of adventuresome travels in late 2009 - recession or not. And in an attempt to reduce our spending while we continue to save... we are unwilling to give up certain things.

For me - I am unwilling to cancel my membership to the gym where I perform my CrossFit, Krav Maga, and kickboxing training. I absolutely refuse to cut out my fitness program - because it's extremely important to me AND because I really do love it. That's out of the question.

For both of us - we are unwilling to save money by eating crappy, cheap, processed food. No frickin' way is that even an option! Keeping ourselves healthy through a diet of high-quality, whole foods is too important to let go.

But cable? That can go.
Eating out for lunch or dinner? That can be reduced significantly.
Seeking out a new certification that I'd like to add to my repertoire? That can be temporarily postponed.

In a time when the economy is sluggish, we can't afford to be wasting time by watching TV instead of spending that time working through our fabulously creative business ideas!

In a time when being frugal is essential for us (and provides good practice for our upcoming travels), we can't afford to be wasting money on frivolous, modern comforts.

AND - in a time when hard times equal hard decisions... we absolutely cannot neglect our health. I will drop everything else before I let my health and fitness go.

Will you do the same?

Do you have that much respect for yourself?
I sure do hope so!!

What are YOU willing to let go - in order to keep your healthy practices?

1 comment:

Aaron Benes said...

That a girl! I got rid of my TV and cable about 6 months ago and can honestly say I'm happier.

Now I read more, talk with my family and friends more, and have more fun.

No loss here!