Friday, June 12, 2009

Quotation of the Week

"Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when anyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength." -Author unknown

Have you ever known an individual who just seems to avoid crumbling to pieces when challenges are constantly being placed in front of them? That's the sign of strength.

Have you ever seen an Ironman triathlete push past the point of exhaustion to finish the most extreme physical competition known to man? That's a sure sign of mental strength.

Have you ever heard the stories about those people who have been caught in severe conditions out in the wilderness - and who have survived through the night? Those individuals have really exuded immense amounts of strength.

It doesn't matter how strong you are physically (well, it does to some degree... a progressive increase in physical strength is desirable to most exercisers!) -

What does matter is the strength of your mind - your mentality.

When you want to give up, it shows true mental power to resist that urge. And even though you may think that you fall into a different category than the people described above, I really want to make you believe that you can be just as strong.

In my area of expertise - fitness and nutrition - it's extremely easy to give up when something is new and uncomfortable. But if you want it bad enough, you'll persevere past the discomfort by calling upon your own mental strength.

In my training for the CrossFit Games, my training sessions are focused on pushing past the point of wanting to quit. That's right! Not only are the workouts physically challenging, but they are mentally challenging as well.

In my clients' training sessions, I attempt to teach them how to work through difficult, uncomfortable feelings, and how to push the limits of their physical abilities.

For those that request my nutritional advice, I try to explain that each choice they make can lead them to better health - that is, if they don't give up on their efforts to adopt better eating habits.

Mental fortitude is key in health, in fitness, and in all aspects of life.

I hope you strive to be strong :)

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