Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Abdominal Wednesday... spot reduction?

In keeping with this new, short series on the popular abdominal area, here is another reason why crunches, situps, and typical abdominal exercises are ineffective...

Reason #2: You cannot reduce the fat off of one spot on your body by working that body part specifically. Therefore, working the superficial ab muscles will do NOTHING for getting rid of that flabby tummy!

Simply isolating the abdomen and doing movements that only target that small group of muscles in the front of your midsection... in order to slim that midsection... is a waste of time!!

We cannot determine where fat is lost from our body during the fat shedding process. Even if we do hundreds and hundreds of crunches. It's just not gonna happen! The body will determine specific location of fat loss all on its own.

So, if crunches don't do diddly squat for getting the excess fat off your stomach (and we also already know that too many crunches can be harmful for the lower back and shoulders), then why don't we do exercises that target the stomach in a way to strengthen it (and keep other joints healthy)?

My abs didn't get this ripped from crunches - no sir!!

The saga continues next Wednesday... :)


Becca said...

So, what should we do instead?

Aaron Benes said...

Just awesome....freaking AWESOME abs!

Carmen said...

Kim, your abs are a WONDERLAND!!

Can't make it on Sat but I know you shall rock! :-)

Kim Ball said...

Hey Becca!
Sorry for the delay in my response. I've published a blog post to answer your question...
Check out THIS POST to hear my answer. Thanks for your patience!