Thursday, June 4, 2009

Let's be food snobs!

Let me preface this post by saying... I do love me some junk food, some processed food, or some fast food every now and again.

But, you know what?

Usually, I get cravings to eat those fav "naughty" foods because they are comforting, familiar, and oh-so-yummy. And I give in to those cravings because...
I get temporary amnesia about how I felt the last time I ate nutritionally deficient, sugar coated, grease-laden mystery food!

Why do I always forget about that unsettled feeling?!

My friends -

Once you feed yourself REAL food - and once you feel that strong, stable feeling of your body benefiting from the flavorful, delicious REAL food that you are oh-so-thankfully providing it... you come to realize that the over-processed stuff can truly be supremely GROSS!!

And the stuff that doesn't gross you out ends up making you feel gross. Especially if you're used to giving your body clean, whole foods... the flood of preservatives or excess, unnecessary ingredients can feel like a punch in the stomach. Yikes.

I just saw someone eating a flimsy In-and-Out burger in their car today, and it looked the most unappetizing piece of mystery "food" I could imagine! How can we be okay with shoving that kind of shriveled, preserved, processed, soggy grossness into our mouths?? How can that be a yummy treat for us??

I'm a bit disturbed by the "white trash foodie" mentality in today's society!

Yes, I am a fan of the occasional pizza, brownie, or burrito. I LOVE baked goods with a passion and I have chocolate binges once in a blue moon. I can be a white trash foodie on occasion, for sure. I won't deny it!

But on the whole, I try to be more of a food snob.

That doesn't mean that I eat plain chicken breasts and steamed vegetables for every meal. And that doesn't mean that I preach nutritional perfection or turn my nose up at certain "taboo" foods. But it does mean that I look for high-quality ingredients, I choose foods that have some sort of nutritional value, and I prepare meals that are both healthy AND flavorful!

I look forward to these foods - because they are not bland and boring like most people want to believe. Think "Top Chef" on a budget. Good, high quality, REAL foods... rich, flavorful foods... foods that have a purpose for the functioning of your body.

I invite you to join me in becoming a food snob for about 90% of the time.

And then, if you have some trashy roots that you need to revisit every now and again on your vacation from snobbery... go for it! Splurging on some despicable treats is okay now and again. But just be ready for that feeling of unsteady, sluggish, heavy, blah-ness. And use that feeling as a reminder that your "food slummin'" ways should be few and far between.

Til next time, fellow snobs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea, Kim! I'm with you.
