Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Video Series - 18th installment

Wow. Can you believe that I've done 18 of these?!

If you have yet to view the first 17, well you may wanna make a visit to my YouTube Channel...

As for today, I'm discussing those exercisers who simply lift way too heavy for their own good.
Don't get me wrong... I LOVE heavy lifting!! But if a weight cannot be lifted with near perfect form and technique, then that weight is just too heavy.

So, pushing around big weights without technique is a big no-no in my book.
Especially because I hate seeing people get hurt!


Luis said...

So when you said using one's body weight, do you mean current weight or birth weight? Which is what I use.

Kim Ball said...

Luis, you actually made me laugh out loud. I don't even know what to say... ;)

Luis said...

Any time.