Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why do I see this mistake ALL THE TIME??!!

Okay, I know the pet peeve video series is over, but I've got a frustration to share...

Why do SO MANY people insist on doing pushups incorrectly??!

Honestly, does anyone know why?
I'm not buying into the excuse that it's a difficult movement.


Slow down and concentrate on performing it with impeccable technique!

If you can't manage to push that body back up to its original position with a tight, sag-free midsection, solid, slightly tucked-in arms, straight legs, and a neutral head position... then drop to your knees or put your hands on a higher surface!

There's NO GOOD EXCUSE for
  • performing quick pushups in a partial range of motion,
  • flopping your entire body on the floor like a fish, or
  • looking like your lower back is about to break in half & your head is going to fall off your neck!

Yes, pushups are difficult.
When your upper body is relatively weak, it is hard to perform a perfect pushup.

BUT, if you start from the most challenging position in which you can complete a stellar pushup, and progress slowly to more and more difficult versions of the pushup, then you will solidify that perfect technique in your body. You will be able to do fast AND fabulous pushups that will make others' jaws drop to the floor!

But until that point, people, you need to slow down, focus on the details, complete a FULL RANGE of MOTION, take a step back to a modified version (if necessary), and do those damn pushups correctly!!

Otherwise, what's the point of even doing them?

Don't cheat yourself, my friends.
Do it the right way, even when no one's watching.
Because THAT's the way to get stronger! Doin' them right every single time...


SG Human Performance said...

You go girl! Great post. I see too many muscular guys trying to do push ups with one foot in the air or both feet elevated but their back sags the whole time! Think of the plank people, the push up is a moving plank. I love having people perform elevated push ups and planks until they progressively develop the strength to perform them on the floor.

nbs said...

This post makes me LOL, as I have been attempting a pushup for quite some time. Alas! I must admit that I am one of your fish-floppers. Do you have any advice on alternate workouts which would help me target & strengthen the muscle group I'm using on my push ups? (I'm SO OVER flopping around, & the snickers in the background that go along with it... ;)


You are awesome! Thanks for the posts!

Emily said...

I know the video series are over but if you could ever do a close up video of a perfect push up that would sure be helpful. I can never quite figure our where my arms/hands should be. How close should my elbows be to my sides? etc. Thanks so much for the great posts!

Kim Ball said...

Emily & nbs -
I can totally give some helpful suggestions for how to do a correct pushup AND how to effectively work up to an impeccably fabulous pushup! And, yes, posting a pushup video is no problem!

So that I can give this the attention that it needs, check back on the blog this coming Monday. I'll give you some juicy details then....

Thanks for your posts, you guys!