Friday, July 10, 2009

Quotation of the Week

"You have to know you can win. You have to think you can win. You have to feel you can win." -Sugar Ray

Tomorrow is the big day...

The CrossFit Games 2009 are finally upon us. Two whole days of brutality for those of us individuals who qualified to the big event.

And everyone who qualified is a major athlete. I mean, there's some stiff competition to behold. Each competitor has to fight if they want to vie for those top spots.

So, what will be the difference between 1st and 10th places?
What will be the difference among a set of individuals that have been training like crazy for the past three months??

Those minutes, even seconds, of difference between competitors will be determined by who wants it most.

Granted, some competitors are a bit more talented/strong/capable/prepared than others. But many folks have a shot at those top few spots.

And if I want to be up there on the podium at the end, I'm going to have to have my mental mojo intact. I'm gonna have to KNOW that I can push myself, really WANT to make every second count, and FEEL that I am good enough to whoop the butts of my competition.

I'm going to have to take on the mindset of a champion in order to try to be a champion.

It's the same thing that happens when you try to lift heavy weights or climb a steep, looming hill. Your mind has to remain strong in order for your body to follow.

Well, I can tell you now... I'm ready to take on that winner's mindset. And whether I win, place, or simply cross the finish line - I am prepared to go for that top spot with all my might.

And because I'm dedicated to leaving nothing on the table, I know I will be happy with the final results of this coming weekend.

Now, if I can just get these nerves to calm down...

Wish me luck, friends!!

1 comment:

Aaron Benes said...


Leave nothing on the table.... awesome! I have no doubt that you will kick some serious butt!

Good luck and best wishes!