Thursday, July 2, 2009

A miracle cure!!

I have a great story for you today.

A client of mine has recently experienced an epiphany after training with me for over 3 years. Yes, he was a bit slow in his discovery - but we have to understand that a person will never be ready to change until they finally make the personal decision to change.

Needless to say, this client of mine (Client X) is not the most fit person I've ever known. He is overweight, with most of his bulk residing in the abdominal area. Almost every joint in his body hurts at some point or another on any given month. It's frustrating that we often need to adapt his workouts, depending on the extent of his limitations that day. His eating habits are atrocious. He often cannot workout effectively because his lunch choice is not "agreeing with him". He often experiences tightness and apathy, even with sufficient stretching and rest.

There are many aspects of his life that Client X needs to change. And he knows that. He is fully aware. He constantly mentions that he's been "thinking about" making healthy changes. And yet, I go on being hopeful...

However, just one month ago - after a bout of sickness, a bit too much cold medicine, and a rapidly beating heart - Client X got scared. He was told by a medical professional that his heart was not a fan of the excessive caffeine use (and this was simply amplified by the caffeine in the cold medicine).

Upon leaving the health care center, he immediately decided to stop drinking his beloved Cokes, and replace them with water. That day, at our regular appointment, Client X experienced one of the best workout sessions he's ever had!

There was no pain, tightness, or weakness in his joints. He was able to lift the weights that his strong muscles are capable of lifting. His capacity for the more challenging, lung-bursting, metabolic circuit work was elevated through the roof! He had energy. He recovered quickly. He was actually having a phenomenal, metabolism-boosting workout!

So, we began an experiment. I didn't want Client X to bother with changing his diet. One thing at a time, I said. I only wanted him to focus on drinking more water and keeping his Coke consumption to 1 per day.

You know what??
The experiment is working...

The month of June was Client X's best month of workouts since I first started working with him. He has stuck with the plan - is feeling SO MUCH better - has increased his strength - has become a whiz at circuit training - and is now much more motivated to continue down the path of progress!


Water works wonders, folks!
The more you drink, the better your body will function.

And sugar-loaded, caffeine-soaked, non-nutritive beverages can be considered lethal.
They do nothing productive or beneficial for your body. And if you feel a negative change as soon as you begin drinking them (as Client X has described that he does... tsk tsk), then it cannot be something that your body needs or wants!!

I know this epiphany isn't rocket science. But, sometimes, it takes a bolt of lightning to get you to fully understand what you think you've always known.

I am proud of Client X. And I'm working on the next step with him.
Wish me luck!

And, the biggest point of today's story...

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