Friday, July 3, 2009

Quotation of the Week

"Life is a grindstone, and whether it grinds a man down or polishes him up depends on the stuff he's made of." -Josh Billings

Those who flourish in life - do so by choice.

They don't have extra luck on their sides. They aren't handed success, happiness, and satisfaction on a golden spoon.

These folks want it bad enough - that they're willing to deal with the hardships and detours along the way.

Because life is not easy for ANYONE.
There are always challenges in life. There are roadblocks. There are explosions and earthquakes! Sometimes, there is sh*t falling from the sky and smothering your plans. Or at least it seems that way.

Everyone has their difficulties in life.

The difference is - those who take a deep breath and figure out how to maneuver around, over, or through the difficulties... those persons will win the rat race and find true happiness and success.

It's not about creating a perfect life that's free from problems. That life doesn't exist. And it would be way too boring, if you ask me!

Instead, it's about rolling with the punches. Making lemonade out of lemons. Adapting to those struggles that continually pop up right in front of you.

It's about refusing to become the victim and, instead, standing at the ready with shield in hand, poised to fight for the life you want!

I refuse to let my life control me... what about you??

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