Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I've got some emails to share...

Okay, so I've been absent from my blog for a good while now. Let me dust off the cobwebs and get this think sparkling and alive again!

The Fat Loss Contest is now one month underway. Fourteen contestants took the plunge, agreeing to transform into leaner versions of themselves by the end of January. I can't wait to see their final results!

To motivate my brave group of "losers", I've been sending a ton of inspirational emails to my contest participants over the past month. And it just occurred to me... why limit my advice to just this small group? Why not share my "words of wisdom" with all those other hard-working individuals out there who are trying to make changes and achieve optimal health?

So, starting tomorrow, I'm going to post my weekly emails right here on my blog... the ones that have already been sent out, AND the ones yet to come. I hope they inspire YOU to stay on your fitness pathway, no matter how difficult it gets!

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