Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Changing small details is NOT enough.

If you're looking to make some big changes to your health, then this message is for you!...
(originally an email to my Fat Loss contestants)

How are YOU going to transform your body in 2008?

Do you have a plan in place? Or are you simply thinking you'll just try and "eat a little better" and "workout more".

My first piece of advice for you is - you need to make a drastic change.

You need to pick one or two specific things that you can immediately alter for the better.
In the nutritional AND exercise aspects of your lifestyle.

For example, if you are a fast-food junkie, you can choose to eliminate all fast food (or limit it to once a week). You can eliminate all soda or carbonated beverages. You can save alcoholic beverages for the weekend only. You can strive to eat protein at every meal. You can change from eating 3 meals a day to getting in 5-6 mini-meals (by bringing healthy snacks with you to work and setting a timer to make sure you eat those snacks!). You can vow to eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies each day (then increase it to 6 next week, 7 the week after, etc, etc). You can decide not to leave the house until you eat breakfast each morning. Or you can consult a nutritional expert to help with more advanced nutritional changes. There are endless possibilities for how to improve your nutrition.

And for exercise, are you strength training 3-4 times a week? Are you incorporating interval training? Are you strengthening the whole body? Are you working out with enough intensity? Are you varying your exercise plan every 3-5 weeks? Are you allowing sufficient rest and recovery in between your workouts?

Every little thing that you change in your lifestyle can help you inch closer to a healthier body. And every little bit counts at this point. Remember, you're not trying to maintain... you're trying to create a large enough disturbance in your body so that it wants to let go of that fat. Now is not the time to just let things slide. Now is the time to be a bit more strict. Once you get down to an improved body composition, you can be a bit more lax.

So, make a drastic change NOW. And be consistent with that change. Start slow if you need to. But keep building on your lifestyle changes so that you can keep progressing forward.

Feel free to email me if you need help with your exercise or eating plans. And, please, DO update me on your progress!

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