Monday, January 14, 2008

Getting rid of food addictions

(originally an email to my Fat Loss Contestants)

Do you have addictions? Are you unwilling to live without beer, pasta, all starchy carbs, sugar chocolate, junk food, soda, etc?

Many food addictions are valid addictions. In order to satisfy emotional issues, many people eat comfort foods to fill the emotional void. Comfort foods cause a release of endorphins, which elicit a temporary relief of emotional discomfort. That temporary euphoria, physical fullness, and familiar taste causes people to continue to use comfort food to deal with their problems. Or simply to eat them out of habit.

And on the physical side of addictions, certain foods are more "addictive" than others. Specifically, processed carbs and sugar cause blood sugar spikes - then when your body clears out all the excess sugar, it overcompensates by making your blood sugar level too low. With a low blood sugar, you now crave sugary, starchy foods. So, processed carbs and sugar can really be physically addictive!

Is it easy to break these addictions? No, not at all. But you need to break the addictive cycle, eliminate those addictions, and develop more self-control if you want to successfully transform your body.

So, this week, I want you to acknowledge all of your addictions. Even if they are more like bad habits gone out of control. I want you to become aware of your unhealthy behaviors and to admit to any issues you have with food. Then, I want you to create a plan so that you can break those addictions and bad habits. And if you need help in the process, ask for it!

The more control you have over your food intake (and the more you use food for nourishment instead of for emotional satisfaction), the healthier you will be.

It's difficult, but I know you can do it!
Good luck!

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